Obama tells DiCaprio climate change ‘contributed’ to the Syrian civil war – IOTW Report

Obama tells DiCaprio climate change ‘contributed’ to the Syrian civil war


WASHINGTON DC — Discussing the threat of climate change with Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio, President Obama on October 3, said “powerful” studies suggest “the droughts that happened in Syria contributed to the unrest and the Syrian civil war.”

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “There’s already some really interesting work — not definitive but powerful — showing that the droughts that happened in Syria contributed to the unrest and the Syrian civil war. Well, if you start magnifying that across a lot of states, a lot of nation states that already contain a lot of poor people who are just right at the margins of survival, this becomes a national security issue. And, that’s why even as we have members of Congress who scoff at climate change at the same time as they are saluting and wearing flag pins and extolling their patriotism they’re not paying attention to our Joints Chief of Staff and the Pentagon who are saying this is one of the most significant national security threats that we face over the next fifty years.”  MORE



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19 Comments on Obama tells DiCaprio climate change ‘contributed’ to the Syrian civil war

  1. “Powerful Studies”? (Bought and paid for with federal Money, as long as you state the findings they want to hear).
    Obama is just “powering through” this bullshit study.

    DiCaprio must be a fool if he took this BS line, hook and sinker.

  2. No, climate change didn’t “contribute”, Islam CAUSED the civil war. These fuckers look for any excuse to bring down misery and death on their neighbors who don’t believe the same tenets of the ‘religion’ they do.

    And this ain’t exactly new.

    They just got better financing now. Hello, Saudi Arabia, I’m looking at you! You Wahhabi mother fuckers really got things in gear now, doncha’?

    Don’t worry, the House of Saud is safe. You own enough of the US government to make sure of that.

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