Obama To Deport Christians But Green Lights 1,500 Terror Supporters – IOTW Report

Obama To Deport Christians But Green Lights 1,500 Terror Supporters

For half a year the Obama administration has held 15 of 27 Iraqi Christians in detention in California with the prospect of sending them back to the tender mercies of the Islamic State.



Meanwhile, the standards for foreigners who are known to have supported terrorism have been lowered to allow 1,519 of them into The United States. 

The contrast in treatment of these two very different groups of asylum seekers couldn’t be starker. 

Christian Detainees

 Muslim Terrorist Supporters

 The double standard defies rational explanation.




13 Comments on Obama To Deport Christians But Green Lights 1,500 Terror Supporters

  1. I opine that he supports anyone who would tear down our way of life and the traditional values that made this country great. He is just a petty, racist little namby pamby boy, who wouldn’t have been allowed to be where he is if not for the Christian values of abolitionists long ago.

  2. “The double standard defies rational explanation.”

    Not really, when you consider the past seven years, whereby Hussein has repeatedly come to the defense of Islam (The future does not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam) while continually chastising Christians (Let’s not get on our high horse).

    There. Fixed it.

  3. Meanwhile…

    we make Christians bake cakes for gay weddings and we fine them for refusing to hold gay weddings in their living room but that’s different. Those people were trying to oppress gays and womenz and deny them their rights.

    We HAVE to punish them to gain equality. Also, the crusades or something.

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