Obamacare CO-OPs Headed Toward Certain Failure – IOTW Report

Obamacare CO-OPs Headed Toward Certain Failure

The Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OP) were set up under Obamacare to be “nonprofit health care alternative to commerical insurance plans.”



 Only 23 were ever set up and after operating for a few years they have lost a combined $389 million and most failed to meet their enrollment goals. 

 Common Ground Health Care Cooperative actually exceeded it’s enrollment targets, received $108 million in government loans and is still $36.5 million in the hole. 


Experts are saying there’s not enough money in the Obamacare “risk corridors” to cover all the loses being racked up by outfits like Common Ground.



8 Comments on Obamacare CO-OPs Headed Toward Certain Failure

  1. In a related note, BCBS-NC is requesting a 35% increase in premiums because they are losing money. It is working exactly as Obama planned. Soon the only option left is “Free” insurance through the “single payer” scheme.

    We need Cruz!

    (btw, does Trump promise to repeal obamacare?)

  2. Yep. Going as planned. Just as it was when the housing bubble burst and the government put the very people who caused the bubble to burst in charge to fix it, the fix is in for Obamacare. Single payer system has and will always be the goal. Just ask San Fran Nan…

  3. There’s very, very little that govt does that isn’t a complete scam. The pols sell it by lying about why they’re doing it. They say they’re doing it for the people. They are, of course, doing it for themselves and their cronies, to maintain their power and control, and to keep the money flowing their way.

  4. “Experts are saying there’s not enough money in the Obamacare “risk corridors” to cover all the loses [LOSSES] being racked up by outfits like Common Ground.”

    The grammer nazi in me just couldn’t help but see this spelling and grammatical error, and correct it. You’re welcome.

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