Obamacare for ANOTHER year! – IOTW Report

Obamacare for ANOTHER year!

Obamacare for ANOTHER year! Get ready to pay the IRS for non compliance, double digit premium increases, more taxes, more spending and even FEWER health insurance carriers to choose from.

-C. Steven Tucker


The health care vote has now been called off, after Republican leaders and the White House tried and failed to win sufficient support for the GOP legislation to undo Obamacare.

After Republican leaders abruptly postponed the vote on the GOP health care bill Thursday, President Trump declared he was finished negotiating. He sent Republicans opposed to the current measure a message through OMB Director Mick Mulvaney that he was done negotiating and he wanted the vote Friday.

House Speaker Paul Ryan went to the White House earlier today to brief the president on the status of the vote.

Follow along here for live updates:


5 p.m. “We were very, very close,” the president said, in reaction to the tacit defeat of the Republican health care bill. It was a “very tight margin” which came with  “no Democrat support…they weren’t going to give us a single vote,” Mr. Trump noted.

Now, he said, “The best thing we can do, politically speaking, is let Obamacare explode. It’s exploding right now.” The new next plan for the president may well boil down to something like “collapse and repeal.” The president promised, “We’ll end up with a great bill in the future once Obamacare collapses.” It’s fair to let it explode, he said. Mr. Trump predicted that there will soon be states that won’t be covered, and eventually it won’t be sustainable.

Onto tax reform next, he told the pooled reporters gathered in the Oval Office.

Paul Ryan press conference

“We came really close today, but we came up short,” Ryan told reporters after he pulled the bill from the floor. “This was a disappointing day for us.” The speaker added, “We will need time to reflect on this moment…are all of us willing to give a little to get something done?”

“I don’t know how long it’ll take us to replace this bill,” he said of Obamacare. “We’re going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future.”

“Yes, this does make tax reform more difficult,” Ryan conceded. But it’s not impossible, he said, arguing that there is broader support for other parts of the GOP agenda. Health care, he said was a more complicated issue. This bill was a test not only for President Trump, but also for Ryan, the first major piece of legisation that the speaker tried to pass under Republican control of the House, Senate and presidency.

“We were a 10-year opposition party where being against things was easy to do,” Ryan said. “You just had to be against it.”

The vote has been cancelled

The president called the Washington Post’s Robert Costa to share the fate of the bill with him. “We just pulled it,” he told Costa. He also called Maggie Haberman of the New York Times.

82 Comments on Obamacare for ANOTHER year!

  1. Well AA, I’m a big Trump fan, but I have to say siding with Ryan really makes me wonder.

    The feds need to be completely out of the insurance racket. . . or better yet outlaw insurance so actual healthcare prices can come down.

  2. ryan and the Rhinos had 6 freaking years. SIX years to hone a proper plan and President Trump knew they didnt have one, so i wouldnt blame him.

    Trump had to expose the rhinos by pushing this. Soon to be Former Speaker of the House paul ryan and his rhino pals will sink into the swamp, then drained.

  3. In all this time they could have had a bill that had been negotiated to satisfy all republicans and then have the Democraps vote against it. Then it would have been the democraps’ fault.
    Now, all we have is the stupid republicans looking like fools AGAIN!!!

  4. They should have kept their promise and Repealed Obamacare from the beginning.

    The vote against this legislative “replace” turd was not a vote against Trump.
    Ryan continues to push replace, free enterprise and competitive market for healthcare is not even on the table.
    Again, what federal government program has not been a tool to raise taxes, hire government workers, regulate industry and infringe upon individual rights?
    I don’t need big socialized government to make my decisions, they’ve failed every test. But they’ll force “replace” Obamacare down our throats anyway.

  5. Charlie, I like the way you’re thinking about this. When Ryan had a chance to do the right thing, he instead crafted that POS Bill, most likely with extensive help from the insurance lobby and big Pharma.

    They could have passed ANY of the repeal bills that they got to Obama’s desk. I seriously hope President Trump is playing chess here, while Paul Rino is playing checkers.

    Everybody is so fucking blasé, saying, ‘oh well, Obamacare is just gonna get worse…’, but the problem is that we out here in the country are getting FUCKED!!!

    Great, we have expensive insurance policies now, and can’t afford health care, since the deductibles are through the fucking roof.

    Paul Rino is the first of many Swamp-Dwellers who needs to go.

  6. It could be repealed tomorrow if Ryan and other progressives really wanted to repeal. Phase II, as it was called, can still happen much as planned. But making those (good) changes now will make it appear that Obungocare was a viable plan to begin with.

  7. When the midterm campaigning starts, watch all the rinos turn into conservative fanatics. They’ll dupe their constituents, then skate back into their comfort zone. They all need to be exposed, opposed and deposed.

  8. Do you think Ryan NOW got the message we want no part of his “Better Way”? We voted for Trump’s agenda – repeal Obamacare.

    What’s so wrong with going back to the way insurance was before Obamacare and making it more competitive by selling across state lines, allowing associations to pool members to purchase, expanding Health Savings Accounts, etc?

    Why do we need a monstrous bill?

  9. Page, your simple solution fails to prioritize the interests of Big Pharma, insurance companies, and congressional reelection. Come on, try to see the big picture.
    /sarc off

  10. Repeal and REPLACE? What’s this REPLACE bullcrap?
    Repeal, but do NOT replace. Release the free market! Deregulate health insurance! Make insurance premiums deductible for EVERYONE, or, even better, for NO ONE. Permit health savings accounts (that are NOT use it of lose it), and concierge medicine nationwide.

  11. What we need is a national vote to start hanging politicians. No doubt it would pass in a landslide. They need to know we are fed up, pissed off, and not fucking around anymore. Every one of the bastards who think government has any business in our health care should have a complete copy of the 0bamacare bill rammed up their ass.

    still can’t find my login crap, dammit. And the storm is here. Goodbye!

  12. Abigail,

    As I said in another comment stream, Trump is by definition always right, and if you don’t agree with what He says when He says it (even if He changes His mind), you’re a RINO and just as bad as a nevertrumpster.

  13. Media headlines, “Trump healthcare repeal dead”.
    First of all it wasn’t a repeal, it was “replace”.
    Secondly it wasn’t Trump’s Bill, it was Ryan’s and the Rinos.

    Jeez, I just got another NRCC request for donations !
    Yeah, I get right on that!

  14. Via a fb friend.

    “Miss Marple:” OK, someone explain to me why I shouldn’t think that Ryan tried to sabotage this.
    1. He refused to negotiate until Trump got involved.
    2. He put poison pills in it, like oriignally funding abortion.
    3. He was going to pull the bill rather than vote on it, letting people dodge responsibility.
    While I was out trimming hydrangeas, I got to thinking. Maybe Ryan thought this would be a way to damage both Trump and the Freedom Caucus.”

    “..forget how much opposition he displayed during the election.”
    “Ryan represents a very heavily democrat district in Wisconsin.His family has been there for many decades and he’s a favorite son.The only danger he faces to losing his seat is if he really did anything considered conservative. He’s a snake.”

  15. Are the republicans really this fucking stupid or do they really want Obamacare for ever. This debacle almost guarantees a democrat gain in the 2018 mid term elections. Dumbshits.

  16. Geeknerd is correct! Classy Abigail and Bad Brad are the poster children
    of the Kool-Aid crowd
    And those who are against the President will stick out like sore thumbs. ~ AA
    Not against President just against a shitty bill that never had a chance to pass. Government cure for a government caused problem. Only the Rhino’s said repeal and replace. Us conservatives said repeal. Unfortunately Trump ran with Ryan and not the Freedom Caucus.
    And the all mighty C.StevenTucker was wrong again.
    Cut the Corp tax rate to 10% can be done tomorrow and the stock market would take off!!

  17. Now the monstrosity called Obamacare can die on its own without triage from RINOs and progressives. Very glad the bill failed. Yes, I said it and NO, not buying Obamacare needed to be killed off in stages.
    Even though eventually the government will try again to defy a market driven healthcare system, this bill was a disaster. Not holding out hope Congress will keep their grubby hands off healthcare.
    Time to get healthcare controlled and managed of providers and individuals.

  18. IGNORE Rand Paul. He has been lying for two weeks straight saying the ‘individual mandate is still in the bill’. Criticizing the tax credits as a ‘new entitlement’ when the exact same tax credits are in HIS repeal bill. The bill WILL pass the house tomorrow, it WILL pass the Senate shortly thereafter and it will be signed by our president before April 15th. Period. Quote CStevenTucker
    I suggest you all start listening to JTucker!

  19. Ann Coulter had the solution 2 weeks ago: Repeal Obamacare and open up health insurance to the free market. Park the 10 million poor people in Medicaid until we can figure out what to do with them. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

  20. Page O’Turner,

    “Why do we need a monstrous bill?”

    Occam’s razor. The most likely reason is the simplest one.

    Control. Power.

    The statist Democrats created an unprecedentedly immense Power structure out of nothing.

    The statist Republicans do not want to lose it.

    It is that simple.

  21. Ryan couldn’t pass up an opportunity to suck off the corporate ‘health insurance’ thieves, and give free shit to illegal aliens to further his open-border fetish.

    He produced a shit bill, and it couldn’t pass. Ryan needs to go play golf with Obama, forever.

    President Trump needs to stop buying the globalist crap Ryan is selling.

    We want something that is *better* for the American people – not better for the traitorous corporations that own Ryan.

  22. Brad,

    You really think they didn’t foresee the probability of Leftist republican defections back during every time they SWORE to repeal it in its entirety?

    Nope, not buying it.

    They NEVER intended to repeal it and they don’t now.

  23. Bad Brad its called the congressional budget act of 1976
    that’s how the dems passed Obamacare and that’s how republicans can take it away. But Dems act and play for the win. Rhino’s never act like winners even when they have both houses and the presidency.
    Again Brad not a legend in my own mind just the facts!!!!!!
    try again

  24. Via Drudge,

    “In the past few years, the House has voted more than 60 times to repeal or alter Obamacare, but Republicans had no hope a repeal would become law as long as Obama was president and could veto their bills.”

    They lied then and lie now.

  25. Bad Brad its ok. So you r saying only the Dems can pass Obamacare
    with the budget act? holy crap that’s interesting I didn’t know the law was written that only Dems can use that process!
    sleep it off.

  26. I think Trump just got a big pass. He campaigned on repeal and replce, not just repeal. The replace part comes out looking like Obamacare 2.0, and probably costing even more than it does now. I want to think Trump wasn’t happy about that. So now, he doesn’t have to OK a crap piece of legislation, or get tar’d n feathered for vetoing it.
    Next week or two, some RINO and Schumer protégé will introduce a bill that’s even worse.

  27. Sixty attempts to repeal.



    Wonder if any of those 60 were intended to actually work even though they were never intended to pass. I’m guessing “no.”

  28. Bad Brad why don’t you explain it to all of us. Seems to me more people agree with me and than you and csteventucker.
    Know your limitations Brad.
    The bill sucked end of story. Republicans better act like winners instead of follow every crappy democrat idea.
    Brad stop with the insults u r acting like a liberal when they lose the argument.

  29. Frankly it looks to me exactly like a great demonstration of why people elected Trump in the first place…. to get away from RINOs impaired by their egos and 10 year old mentality that prevents them from organizing a two car parade!

  30. As the great William F. Buckley once said, “We, the American people, would be better off with the first 535 names in the Boston Telephone Directory, representing us, than what we now have.” (Something like that). I agree.

  31. @Just Al — I wanted to repeat what I said the other night about the failure of this bill to launch. Yes, those clowns who didn’t want to be on the record with their vote will stick out like sore thumbs. Trump made a full-throated attempt, using regular order, to get o-care repealed and to start the process of replacement. If he’d attempted to do anything without the congress he would have been criticized for not acting constitutionally or being sneaky about it in some way or another. Unfortunately, Paul Ryan decided at some point that it was his way or the hiway and that’s all Trump had to work with along with the RINO leadership in both chambers. The HFC’s numbers wouldn’t have been there, either. This shines a great big light on the dysfunction of the R’s in congress. It’s seems like a bad thing, but it creates a knowable baseline for the President and the public.

    What Trump should do at this point is to Tweet out a message that the congress should give up their own Cadillac healthcare plans until they come up with something that works for us.

  32. Well, alright, since nobody asked: They had a chance to do the “We’re the Government, and we’re here to help” (don’t ask questions, I never said it was true). But they’ve already said their current “help” is not helping. So, here’s the solution: Sunset the entire “Obamacare” enterprise. Just be sure it’s scheduled to completely “disappear” before the next federal primaries. In that time, if someone wants to put together a Popular Propaganda “Next Great Thing,” good on ya’. If someone wants to refile the exact same “Obamacare” (now that everybody has actually had a chance to read it), have at it. If letting this monster die, and be forgotten, is all they can fit into their important re-election schedules, I’m sure they know best. But having a bunch of whiny prince/sse/s stomp their feet and insist it’s someone else’s fault they can’t have their own way, is in no way incompatible with having them set their own (very) dead-line.

  33. JTucker — Yes, I am a very proud Deplorable. No one else on our side won the election, did they? Not Rubio, nor Cruz, nor Rand Paul.

    I wasn’t talking generally about “those against the president” — it was a self-quote about House and Senate R’s who couldn’t pull together to at least get the ball rolling. As long as they continue their myopic views, we can expect little of the Trump American Plan to be passed. We have a Uniparty with their special interests, who want nothing to do with changing the culture or the laws coming out of D.C.

    The very last thing we need now is for conservatives to mire themselves down in the stupid arguing that went on too long during the primaries and the GE. Don’t be a goof.

  34. JTucker, you need to learn to compartmentalize. Just because the bill died does not release gRANdstanding Paul from lying saying ‘the individual mandate is still in the bill” (which it was not) and criticizing health insurance tax credits as being a ‘new entitlement’. gRANDstanding Paul has the same health insurance tax credits in HIS repeal bill. Now, would he put “new entitlements” in his bill or are tax credits actually NOT “new entitlements? They’re not. If a health insurance tax credit is an entitlement so are child tax credits and other tax credits. Tax credits allow you to keep more of your OWN money. Only an idiot would believe they are tax credits. By the way, I’ve linked gRANDstanding Paul’s repeal bill. Notice the health insurance tax credits? Notice the same state high risk health insurance pools that were included in the American Health Care Act? Notice the requirement to cover people with preexisting conditions? Some ‘purist’ gRANDstanding Paul is, he’s a fraud. Ignore him and learn to compartmentalize Paul’s lies from the fact that the bill failed! They are two separate actions, although they are related because his pathetic lies designed to fool the IGNORANT did go a long way towards helping to kill the passage of the American Health Care Act. https://www.paul.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/ObamacareReplacementActSections.pdf

  35. From the article linked by Brad:
    “The best idea for the GOP right now would be to scrap the current bill and go back to the drawing boards for a bill that will win the support of the Medicaid Four as well as the Freedom Caucus.” Medicaid four (who are blocking passage) are: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Cory Gardner of Colorado, Rob Portman of Ohio and Shelly Moore Capito of West Virginia (all RINOs).

    I would add one caveat to this recommendation: After passage of such a bill, “phase 2” would be to pass a stand-alone bill that strips out the medicaid expansion provision in Alaska, Ohio, Colorado, and West Virginia, and politely tell the Four to fuck off.

  36. unfortunately, Trump campaigned on ‘Repeal & REPLACE’ … I never understood this … by that very statement he boxed himself into a corner that the repugnicans eagerly allowed him to be lead into, because he couldn’t ‘replace’ without their votes.
    now, they basically do nothing, give Trump a chastisement & show him that he’s not the Boss of Congress. give the dems a victory? so what?, they’re the opposite side of the same coin.
    it’s time for Trump to realize that congress is dysfunctional; it is an entity that is now solely created for itself, only for the enrichment of itself.
    repeal! … executive order by executive order … let it strangle itself … & health care will seek it’s own level under that wonderful, absolutely dynamic human-natured system know as Capitalism

  37. CStevenTucker,

    I’m confused.

    If a tax credit lets me keep my own money, why can’t I just keep my own money in the first place without there needing to be a middle-man in charge of giving me a ‘tax credit’?

    That’s like an auto dealer telling me I’m going to receive a BIG rebate on a vehicle, but yet why don’t they just lower the price of the vehicle that I want to buy in the amount of the BIG rebate, thus eliminating the trouble of involving a third party to get the rebate?

    I think it’s all semantics, which I suspect makes me an idiot in your view, but then again I still believe government shouldn’t be interfering in my private business (i.e. healthcare) in the first damn place.

    I’ll re submit my original opinion.


  38. @ TSUNAMI

    Don’t you realize that their goal IS Government Healthcare?

    When ObamaCare collapses, Single Payer will be implemented. What you are traveling on is the bumpy road to nationalized health care.

  39. Haven’t read every comment yet, but my thought is this:

    You guys actually sent more than one bill to Obama. And now you can’t even send one you previously passed?

    This means you didn’t mean one damn word of any previous bill. You were faking it knowing it would never get by O. It was all show and nothing else.

    Fuck you, Rinos.

  40. Sylvia,

    What I’m saying is single payer (government healthcare) shouldn’t even have gotten this far.



    It is the way it is because we allow this shit to proceed. Government involvement equals higher cost, less efficiency in everything they touch.

  41. If a person doesn’t pay taxes and gets a tax credit from the government to pay for Healthcare they can’t afford it’s an ENTITLEMENT!
    CStevenTucker you have been wrong on this bill from day one. sorry.
    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 common and you call me an idiot.
    The (WALL) was to be built in 1986 part of phase 2. GUESS WHAT STILL NO FREAKING WALL. The problem with you and brad is that you think I want Obamacare replaced I DON”T. It can be done.

  42. That’s like an auto dealer telling me I’m going to receive a BIG rebate on a vehicle, but yet why don’t they just lower the price of the vehicle that I want to buy in the amount of the BIG rebate, thus eliminating the trouble of involving a third party to get the rebate?

    I think it’s all semantics, which I suspect makes me an idiot in your view, but then again I still believe government shouldn’t be interfering in my private business (i.e. healthcare) in the first damn place.
    CStevenTucker I didn’t call you an idiot. but in your car scenario there are still people that cant afford the car no matter the price so the government will give them my money(tax) dollars to buy it. I call that an entitlement.
    That’s why I am for repeal not replace!
    was the healthcare system better before Obamacare or after?

  43. My original point was that Obamacare sucks agreed?
    No Republican voted for the bill. agreed?
    Premiums and deductibles skyrocketing. agreed?
    Let it die under its own weight with no Republican touching it!
    It’s not going to take long for that to happen.
    I was never for a replacement bill.
    Or you could use Mike Pence to overrule the Senate Parliamentarian
    like Ted Cruz suggested. Two can play the nuclear game. But of course the wimpy rhino’s always play nice. this is war.

  44. Agreed on all points JTucker EXCEPT in order to ensure that we had a CHANCE to replace Elizabeth McDonough (the Senate Parliamentarian) with Mike Pence the bill would have had to have PASSED the House vote to get to the U.S. Senate. Thanks to the “Freedom Caucus” that will never happen now.

  45. Phase 2 JTucker would have begun IMMEDIATELY since Dr. Price has the full authority to repeal mandate and regulations on health insurers, “the Secretary shall”. So there was no ‘if’ that will ever happen. It WOULD most certainly happen. And ‘phase three’ would have been MUCH more likely to have happened once phase 1 and 2 happened because the funding mechansims and much of the rest of Obamacare would have been gone by then.

  46. And lastly JTucker, you dont’ GET a ‘tax credit” FROM the government. With a Tax Credit you KEEP more of your OWN money instead of GIVING it the government. Again, ANYONE who actually believes a ‘tax credit’ is an entitlement is an IDIOT. And, I’ve been RIGHT on this bill FROM DAY ONE. But hey, enjoy those Obamacare penalties, fines, mandates and the 50% premium increases coming next year from the few carriers who are left. Make sure to thank the “Freedom Caucus”. They know what’s best for all of us. What the hell do I know? I’ve only been OPERATING WITHIN THIS SPACE FOR 21 YEARS.

  47. Only 54% of Americans pay Federal Income tax according to the Tax Policy Center.
    Therefore, a tax credit to 46% of the population that DO NOT PAY FEDERAL INCOME TAX is an ENTITLEMENT!!

  48. CStevenTucker please stop with it’s this bill or it’s nothing BS.
    All the house has to do is present a new bill after real negotiations with all the Republican factions and vote on it.
    Leadership might want to try that approach before you jam this piece of shit legislation down our throats.

  49. Steven Tucker,

    What happens when the ‘tax credits’ get taken away from our future government handlers?

    There shouldn’t be any government entity ‘letting’ me have more of MY own money, because the people who now ‘let’ can certainly turn into ‘demand’ at some future opportunity.

    The bottom line is it’s moving in the direction Trump himself said he originally wanted – full collapse.

    Personally, I think this entire subject is going to be moot very soon anyways because another more serious real world distraction is about to present itself.

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