Obamacare: ‘I Don’t Know How They Expect a Guy to Live’ – IOTW Report

Obamacare: ‘I Don’t Know How They Expect a Guy to Live’

Thanks Obama (and Hillary). I just received notice of the 59% increase in my health insurance premium. #WakeUpAmerica

LifeZette: The $1,700 a month that Trent Caldwell (not his real name) and his wife are paying for health insurance is already a stretch.

The self-employed home contractor and high school athletic coach from Lakeville, Minnesota, has happily worked upwards of 60 hours a week — and has most of his career — to ensure he can meet the needs of his family of eight. Making a combined $97,000 a year, he and his wife, a personal care assistant, do not qualify for assisted health care coverage through MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace under Obamacare.

But the couple just made a decision they never dreamed of making: They will be going without health insurance in 2017 — and instead paying the Obamacare penalty. The $3,300-a-month health insurance premium they recently received notice for is simply not something the family can afford.

After this year, Caldwell said the family will pay cash for the care they absolutely do need and pray that none of them get seriously sick or injured.  MORE

4 Comments on Obamacare: ‘I Don’t Know How They Expect a Guy to Live’

  1. What if everybody forced into OCare did this? Maybe just start a new GoFundMe site….ObamacareScrewedMe addition. If a catastrophic illness hits, everybody chips in. The Progs couldn’t complain. That would be considered socialized medicine, wouldn’t it?

  2. Yep, three years ago when I was looking for insurance the quotes were all around $17,000/month plus or minus a bit. So I asked, what if I agree to a $10k or $20k deductible, that would hurt, but I’m more concerned about an accident or disease that might cost me $300k. Nope, a higher deductible is not permitted. I’m sure they want to keep the monthly premiums high to pay for the Not Affordable Care Act. I said not thanks, I can’t pay that and still be able to do anything beyond sitting at the house eating the lowest cost food. Then told the family you better live a healthy life style and avoid getting into an accident that mangles you up. Or our life savings will be gone.

    No doubt if I had signed up today I’d be facing the same $3,300/month, leaving even less money for food, utilities, auto/house insurance, travel, etc. Hopefully not ever paying into it will make it die sooner. What comes after would seem to largely depend upon who wins today. The criminal or the new rookie, and whether he pans out or not, if he wins.

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