Obamacare Maybe Fueling The Opioid Epidemic – IOTW Report

Obamacare Maybe Fueling The Opioid Epidemic

Jon Cassidy at the Spectator took a look at the number of opioid overdoses by state and found something interesting. Those states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare have seen a rise in deaths while those that turned it down have not. While preliminary in the extreme, it does suggest that when Medicaid expanded a whole of people who like Oxycontin (and other over the counter opioids) were able to acquire these dangerous and highly addictive substances.


So while the Senate Dems are yelling to all the world that the replacement bill will kill untold thousands, Obamacare may actually be doing just that.

15 Comments on Obamacare Maybe Fueling The Opioid Epidemic

  1. Opiods like Oxycontin are NOT “over the counter” drugs. They are prescription-only narcotics. There are no “over the counter opioids” in the US.

    Get the terminology correct.

    How about legal prescription, which is what I was aiming for vs. bought on the street illegally. Dr. Tar

  2. If druggies want to kill themselves with opioids, have at it. I just know a “war on opiods” is going to hurt the people that really need them for chronic pain. It is already extremely difficult for those people to get a Dr. to prescribe them for an ongoing time. I have seen this for Mr. RottyLover. Personally, I can’t even take them, one pill and I hurl for three day.

  3. We probably need to do more to set up long term pain centers to work with those with chronic pain, but we still can’t tell who is actually suffering and who is pretending in order to get the scripts for the stronger stuff.

  4. Skeptical. Too many articles out there connecting overdoses to illegally purchased pain pills. Dealers and users generally have no idea how powerful their current batch of illegal drugs are. What worked last week may kill today.

  5. Under Obamacare, US longevity has DECLINED for the first time in our history. This is due, in part, to increase in drug deaths.

    If you don’t have to pay for doctor visits it’s easy to shop for doctors who will prescribe opioids — and bonus! US taxpayer pays for your high (and your housing, and your food and, and, and).

  6. this planet is in a cesspool swirling fast to destruction- everyone wants to feel happy and forget their daily problems by using drugs and alcohol. and the drug dealers are happy to supply the daily dose. what is wrong with you. women sell their bodies for fix-men kill to keep their territory- families forget about their children, to feed them, cloth them, to raise them just to get high and feel good. Whether you believe or not doesn’t matter– GOD will not be silent forever– Sodom and Gomorrah were not as evil as this generation.

  7. People may indeed be dying by overdoses of fentanyl or heroin and of course this is a problem. But they are not dying by taking prescribed percocet or hydrocodone that come out the Rx bottle. Lumping all of these drugs together under ‘opiods’ is totally apples and oranges and it does not support intelligent conversation or good policy on this issue.

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