Obamacare users “really nervous” – IOTW Report

Obamacare users “really nervous”


Open enrollment for Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, begins today. Problems with the law mean consumers could face significant rate hikes in some parts of the country. There will also be fewer health plans to choose from.

Starting today, the administration will make a major enrollment push — but that may be a tough sell in states like Tennessee, which has seen premiums spike more than 50 percent, reports CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan.

For songwriter Wendy Jans and her husband, Eric, life was sailing along until health insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield pulled out of the Obamacare market in Nashville.

Eric, an insurance broker, said he panicked “a little bit.” Most of his 300 clients were covered by Blue Cross.

“Your clients, can they still afford health care?” Brennan asked.

“A lot of them are really nervous right now. Really nervous,” Eric said.

Eric was also paid by Blue Cross, income he has now lost along with his own family’s insurance.

“As of January 1, unless we jump on to something else. … and we’re looking at $750 a month this year to $1,100 next year,” Eric said.

That’s $1,100 for a family of four.


9 Comments on Obamacare users “really nervous”

  1. In the article:
    “Burwell said most Americans can get a plan for $75 or less a month, especially if they’re low income. They’ve launched a social media campaign to target community college students, recent immigrants and freelancers.”

    Not true whatsoever.
    Total bullshit!

  2. Lazlo lives in AZ
    The ‘Bronze plan’ for me is 800 a month (includes $400 in subsidies; taxable as ‘income’) wit a $12K deductible.
    Before the 116% increase
    That means my yearly liability is $9600 before deductible with $4800 in new, taxable income, and the tax is about $800 for the privilege
    So, in order to get a single free Band-aid out of the deal I need to spend $22,400 A YEAR!
    I paid the fine.
    I used to be worried about how I provide health insurance for me and my family.
    Now I worry about the IRS fines because I cannot afford to provide health insurance for me and my family.

  3. I just went to Covered California and entered 28 years old, no medical issues, income high enough to not get subsidies. Lowest-price was $165 per month for a ‘Catastrophic HMO’, lowest Bronze was $208 for Kaiser. That ain’t cheap. I had something better than Bronze pre-0bamacare 4 years ago, when I was 49, for about $165.

  4. Right they want millennials that can’t afford to live on their own. Maybe a free gift enticement – pick your ‘free’ annual subscription to Tinder along with your STD health policy.

  5. It’s functioning as designed. Remember, Obama told us that this is just a step towards the real goal, government run health care.

    Now that is power. They’ll then dictate every facet of your life. What to eat and not eat. What to drink and not drink.

    The only dangerous lifestyle choice they won’t regulate is sexuality.

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