Obama’s Favorite Couple Do Not Stand For Anthem – IOTW Report

Obama’s Favorite Couple Do Not Stand For Anthem

ht/ js

28 Comments on Obama’s Favorite Couple Do Not Stand For Anthem

  1. If it hadn’t been for the doctor’s intervention JayZ would have died as an infant. His parents were diapering his head and shoving bottles up his butt. It was an honest mistake.

  2. Bouncé & JazzE … I’m assuming this is what passes for ‘entertainment’ in today’s ‘enlightened’ times?

    ‘art’ w/out a higher purpose, is just self-aggrandizement. like cheap Chinese Wal-Mart crap, thin & disposable

  3. So let’s see, a couple of black people who have become billionaires refuse to stand for the National Anthem because the country that allowed them to become billionaires is racist and oppresses black people.

  4. Beyonce and Jay Z are worth 1.35 Billion. Let that sink in, one point three five BILLION dollars. How friggin oppressed do you have to be to make that kind of money? And what other country in the world would they be able to do that?

    They are beneath contempt.

  5. And to think they actually had Beyoncé perform the Super Bowl halftime show in 2013.
    What scum to not even appreciate the adoration from all who still enjoy the event.
    Very disrespectful all around.
    But I couldn’t expect any less.
    Just the lowest.

  6. MrsRadio, now you’ve got me wondering if they were being disrespectful or pissed that their money and celebrity couldn’t get them better seats. Sure it was both.

  7. otoh – I did not sit or stand to watch the Super Bowl. Don’t even know who played, other than hearing a brief mention on TV that Kansas won. Haven’t a clue who their opponent was. Don’t care. I removed the NFL from my world after their support of Kaperdick’s BS kneeling along with those who joined him.

    Watching Walter Williams on Life, Liberty, & Levin – was much better use of my time.

    WW is a national treasure – highlighting the current trend in the country of people wanting to live at the expense of others and willing to give up freedom to so do.

  8. Hey, cut them some slack. Those worthless pieces of sh*t are as effin stupid as a San Francisco sidewalk. They have no idea what the National Anthem is or why the National Anthem is honored and respected. Those pathetic losers will never have IQs greater than their shoe sizes. Truly, those two are human garbage. Send them back to a Muslim country where they’ll fit right in.

  9. Maybe J-Zee is pissed because the NFL asked him to perform at halftime and also wanted Beyonce and Kanye West as well. J-Zee apparently took this as an insult and like the pussy he is he backed out. Oh well, the NFL will end up paying him loads of dough as director of their social equality media programs (or whatever the hell they’re calling the latest payoff to the race-baiting industry.

  10. Bouncey and Zig Zaggy have to keep up appearances as so-called victims of racism, down with the “struggle”. Truth is they’re total bourgeois sell outs, which seems to be fine with their idiot fans.
    BTW, these two “entertainers” were best friends of Krappernick until Zig Zaggy’s grifter SJW deal with the NFL was accepted. Grifters hate competition.

  11. Two knuckle dragging thugs that are a total creation of the left wing.
    They’d both be working behind a fryer at some greasy fast food dump if not for the democrats fawning over anyone with black skin.

  12. So glad I grew up when I did and was able to enjoy the music created by some incredibly talented black musicians.
    What passes for music now days is grating and extremely irritating noise produced by corporate money grubbing hustlers and delivered by thugs and punks that don’t even know how to play a musical instrument.

  13. Kobe, I don’t care.
    Krapperdink, I don’t care.
    JZero and Bouncy don’t stand, I don’t care.
    Richard Something won’t visit the White house, I don’t care.
    Halftime show was porn, I don’t care.
    The Chiefs won, I don’t care.
    If actors and ball players relied on me for $upport, they would have to be driving for Uber.™


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