Obama’s Horrible Iran Deal is Killed by Trump – IOTW Report

Obama’s Horrible Iran Deal is Killed by Trump


President Donald Trump said Friday he is not recertifying the Iran nuclear deal, which sets off a 60-day process for Congress to debate the issue.

Trump made the announcement during a White House speech Friday afternoon.

“As I have said many times, the Iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into,” Trump said.


17 Comments on Obama’s Horrible Iran Deal is Killed by Trump

  1. THAT is what I’m talking about! Plus clipping Obamacare via E.O.- BOOM! I don’t have the skills but if I did I would morph Trump in Batman T.V. show stills with action shots of him taking out Dems and Rino’s. All images of Obama would be morphed on a no name stooge of Catwoman or, better yet, Catwoman.

    Hey, Iran, it’s Friday the 13th, choke on it B*tch! (as in your Mullah’s are B*thces, I would never advocate violence against women and by women I mean people born without a penis and Nancy Pelosi)

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