Obama’s Super Spreader Bash Goes Off As Planned; Creates “Sh* Show” Of A Traffic Jam – IOTW Report

Obama’s Super Spreader Bash Goes Off As Planned; Creates “Sh* Show” Of A Traffic Jam

USA Supreme

Former President Barack Obama has allegedly scaled back his big 60th birthday party after most of his supporters questioned the wisdom of holding an event for hundreds of people during a resurgent pandemic.

Plans for the Saturday bash at his multimillion-dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard had been going on for months—but the spike in virus case numbers has forced a rethink.

“Due to the new spread of the Delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends,” Hannah Hankins, an Obama spokeswoman, said early Wednesday.

“He’s appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon.”

This is what we’ve heard from the mainstream media but the reality is that they haven’t scaled back anything. More

All those “family and close friends” jammed the roads to and from the Obama estate last night. Here

24 Comments on Obama’s Super Spreader Bash Goes Off As Planned; Creates “Sh* Show” Of A Traffic Jam

  1. And meanwhile deja vu Fauci is screaming about Stergis being a super spreader event forget the Bammer and the wide open border. They love rubbing it into everyone’s face that they are the royalty where rules don’t apply and we are the peasants that should feel lucky to leave our houses with our face diapers on to shop for food at big mega corps.

  2. Kenyans won the men’s & women’s Olympic marathons but they can’t hold a candle to the pain this fucking grifting asshole Kenyan inflicted on the USA.

    I had forgotten how much I hate the rat-bastard and his ugly-assed silverback cunt wife.

  3. Debauchery Central – Martha’s Vineyard Edition.

    A whole lot of communists got together for a big bash. Who gets to clean up all the bodily fluids that were scattered asunder? Change all the sheets? Clean the bathrooms, scoop the gobs of goo from the pool? Who rounded up and brought in the children for the attendees celebratory pleasures?

    Have I gone too far because I think I’ve left a whole lot out.

    Wanna bet whether or not we paid for it all?

  4. I think obama the cocksucker controlling the biden administration. It’s his secret third term and best of all joe biden gets the blame for everything.

    barack obama- america’s 2nd gay president – nothing special

  5. There are few people I despise more than this arrogant, self-centered, hypocritical, racist marxist. “At some point you’ve made enough money” sure didn’t apply to himself, did it?

  6. I can’t wait to see the guest-list. I’m betting Marina Abramovic was there. Lots of elite, powerful, privileged Blacks. Ain’t America great after all?! Michelle would trade everything in a second if she could become Beyonce.

  7. These assholes buy “carbon credits” so they don’t have to alter their lifestyles like the “little people” are being forced to do, so maybe they could come up with “covid Credits” to achieve the same thing? I wonder how much taxpayer money the Secret Service and the military spent to secure this event?

  8. Guests included:
    David Axelrod and comics David Letterman, Larry David and Conan O’Brien, John Legend, model wife Chrissy Teigen, and rapper Takeoff, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Steven Spielberg, Bradley Cooper, Don Cheadle, Erykah Badu, Steven Colbert and John Kerry, Bruce Springsteen, Tom and Rita Hanks, Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union, Eddie Vedder.

    What a missed opportunity.

  9. Self appointed Royalty.

    “Barack Obama Eric holder Kamala Harris all meeting in secret Barack Obama’s birthday party:”
    Not surprised.

    DJ posts stealth pics of Obama’s ‘epic’ birthday party — before being forced to delete them:
    What first amendment.

    Kerry took a private jet to the island of Martha’s Vineyard.”

  10. And here are my sincerest wishes for Bathhouse Barry on his Birthday.
    May the bleeding piles torment you,
    May corns adorn your feet.
    May crabs as big as horseflies
    Crawl up your legs and eat.
    And when you’re old and feeble,
    A syphilitic wreck,
    May your spine fall through your asshole
    And break your fucking neck

  11. I often wonder at how the people who worship this clown continue to praise Obama as the second coming. They don’t realize that he is laughing at them from his throne in his 13 million dollar estate that they bought for him with their tax dollars. He is the antithesis of everything that he preaches. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


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