Obama’s Syria policy comes home to roost – IOTW Report

Obama’s Syria policy comes home to roost

Patriot Retort:

There’ve been a lot of people adding to the cacophony of voices bellowing endlessly about Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria.  As I said the other day, many of those bellowing voices don’t know what in the hell they’re talking about.  And rather than simply admit that, or, (heaven forbid!) do some research, they just burp out uninformed opinions based on inferences made by other equally uninformed pundits.

And the stupid casserole is complete.

But here’s the thing.  There are people who actually have knowledge of the Syria situation that dates back to before Sunday.  These folks have a deeper understanding of all the moving parts — far deeper than those who didn’t give a crap about the Kurds or Turkey just a week ago.

Mike Doran is one of those with a deeper understanding.

Yesterday, Doran wrote an op-ed in the New York Post titled “How Obama’s team set up Trump’s Syrian dilemma” that is worth reading.

What is happening in Syria didn’t spring up out of nowhere four days ago.  And having a better understanding of how we got to this point might be helpful, don’t you think?

Certainly more helpful than a bunch of breathless, pearl-clutching tweets from people who couldn’t find Syria on a map if their lives depended on it.

Here’s a bit of what Doran says in his op-ed:

Over the last few days, a host of former Obama officials have been repeating this story, which is highly misleading, to say the least. Rice and her colleagues would have us believe that Team Obama created a highly effective plan for stabilizing the Middle East by working through groups like the YPG, and Trump, mercurial and impulsive, is throwing it all away by seeking a rapprochement with Ankara. That’s nonsense.

In fact, the close relationship with the YPG was a quick fix that bequeathed to Trump profound strategic dilemmas. Trump inherited from Obama a dysfunctional strategy for countering ISIS, one that ensured ever-greater turmoil in the region and placed American forces in an impossible position.

To be sure, the YPG are good fighters, and the American soldiers who have fought alongside them hold them in very high esteem. But the decision to make them the primary ally for defeating ISIS came at a hidden cost: the alienation of one of America’s closest allies. The YPG is the Syrian wing of the PKK, the Kurdish separatist group in Turkey.


13 Comments on Obama’s Syria policy comes home to roost

  1. We had 50 guys there. What were the kurds doing that we had to be there?
    Which kurds do you trust anyway? They’re not all friendly towards us, some of them are just fine hanging out with particular muslims (the ones that hate the West). Sick of it. Let them handle it. They’ve been fighting since year 1.
    Nothing’s going to change until 1 faction out of the 6 thousand that are there finally wins. And even then, they will fight. And none of them will be stronger than they are right now. Too much in-fighting.

  2. Hugh Hewitt gave unqualified support for President Trump’s decision to pull those troops out. Whatever else one may think of Hugh, he is one of those people who knew what was up in Syria before last Sunday.

    Susan Rice can spout obscenities all night on some TV Clown show, but it won’t change the fact that her FoPo was a complete and utter disaster.

    And all of the apparatchiks in Foggy Bottom and the Atlantic Council who scream that Trump is mean to NATO seem to have forgotten that Turkey is a member of NATO, and the Kurds are Marxists.

  3. The problem with making alliances in the middle east is that no one is the “good guy”. The best you can do is find the least bad guy.

    I’m don’t think anytime would be too soon to get every American the hell out of there and Afghanistan, too.

    Then start supplying all sides in every Muslim-vs.-Muslim conflict and let them blow each other to hell.

  4. Pamela Geller has an article about the Kurds. They are anti-Israel and have kicked Jews and Christians out or kept them as slaves.
    Besides, we can’t spend the next 100 yrs there. They need to deal with themselves and their neighbors without us.


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