“Obstruction of Justice” – Special Agent Strzok Text Message Highlights FBI Investigative Intent – IOTW Report

“Obstruction of Justice” – Special Agent Strzok Text Message Highlights FBI Investigative Intent

Conservative Treehouse:  Since Thursday night we’ve been combing the FBI files to figure out exactly what FBI Agent Peter Strzok was referencing in one of the most recently released text messages.  We have discovered the context and the text is now damning.

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte read this specific text message on Thursday night during an interview with Sean Hannity:


At first, the context behind the September 10th, 2016, message was elusive, however it is now clear. MORE



12 Comments on “Obstruction of Justice” – Special Agent Strzok Text Message Highlights FBI Investigative Intent

  1. As perverse as this may sound, I’m grateful that things got as bad as they did. We’ve been stumbling and bumbling our way along, as a country, for many decades like a half-dead body of people; the slow, painful death of managed decline under the Uniparty. The way things are unfolding right now, there’s little chance of the Uniparty stuffing the toothpaste back in the tube, it’s all too messy. And I’m enjoying the hell out of it!

  2. @Lead Salad January 27, 2018 at 2:01 pm

    > We are no longer a nation of laws…….we are a banana republic……thanks Th 8 years of Obeezy.

    Yeah. Before 2008 there were no Wacos, no Ruby Ridge, no Watergate, no Scooter Libby, no Ma Bell offering the NSA to break the law Bell bought to buy their way out of spying on customers only to be given a billion dollar fuggetaboutit when caught… No IRS vendettas, no thrones being passed from parent to child, no “Oh, cashing the check and voting for that is a crime? Well, after the concrete sets, Ima jess change that to ‘abstain’, so there was no ‘intent’.”. Curse that patient Zero!

  3. Great, just great. For once we will have all the incriminating evidence against all the people who’ll walk away smiling, on their way to the bank.
    Hell, they’ll all get book deals to tell how they got away with it.

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