Obvious Case of Jury Nullification in Sussman Trial – IOTW Report

Obvious Case of Jury Nullification in Sussman Trial

Washington Times

After the verdict, the jury forewoman, who declined to give her name, spoke to the media. She said charges should never have been filed against Mr. Sussmann in the first place.

“I don’t think it should have been prosecuted,” she said of the case. “There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI. More

12 Comments on Obvious Case of Jury Nullification in Sussman Trial

  1. The indoctrination is so complete it’s engrained in their DNA. Walked in, hid her Lefty bent, got on the jury, then pounced…instead of doing her job. “Runaway Jury” comes to mind.

  2. Gee, ask Martha Stewart if there are bigger things than lying to the FBI. She was charged with insider trading, and later those charges were dropped. However, she was also charged with not being truthful to the FBI, and that landed her in prison for a year. So Martha Stewart spent a year in jail for lying about something that turned out to not even be a crime.

    I’m not condoning willfully lying to the authorities, but there are numerous instances of individuals being prosecuted for perjury when they couldn’t be prosecuted for anything else (i.e. Roger Clemens testifying before Congress in PED testimony). In the Sussman case, the lie to the FBI was actually part of the fraud.

    Because of the proclivity of many authorities to fall back on perjury charges if the investigation does not go their way, I always recommend that people not talk to the FBI or any governmental investigative agency. Particularly with the FBI, this is the bed they made, and they can lie in it.

  3. The jury was full of dem ringers. Durham knew and allowed it. She DID DO her job. What’s that spell kids?

    Holding the trail in DC was the first tell. Conversely, any of the 1/6 protesters are gonna get the pointy end of the stick.

  4. @Wyatt

    I would recommend that people not talk to the
    FBI, CIA, SS, or IRS because they are corrupt
    criminal entities hiding behind gov’t credentials
    and committing crimes under color of law !

  5. @Brad June 1, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    > You had one job bitch.

    That you accept “she”, had a “job”, in the “republic”, is already too far down some rabbit hole, to be disproven.

  6. I wonder if “SweetMan” realizes how lucky he is.

    A conviction might have induced him to seek no
    jail time by revealing the crimes of the Clintons
    and that of course would get him MURDERED.


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