Occasional-Cortex blocks Daily Caller on Twitter – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex blocks Daily Caller on Twitter

Daily Caller: Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blocked The Daily Caller on Twitter, either Tuesday night or sometime on Wednesday.

The dispute that led to the congresswoman’s block began when Jon Levine, a media editor for The Wrap, tweeted a video Tuesday of Ohio meteorologist Jamie Simpson losing his cool on the air when viewers complained that his coverage of a tornado warning interrupted a new episode of “The Bachelorette.”

“This guy reminds me of every climate scientist warning people we have 12 years left to cut emissions in half before our future is irreversibly damaged & all the GOP wants to do is yell about communist cow farts ‘No! We’re not going back to the show!’” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in response to Levine.

The Caller responded to Ocasio-Cortez with a screenshot of a Washington Examiner tweet, which included a quote from her MSNBC town hall, where she blamed a staffer “that had a very bad day at work,” for an unfinished draft of the “Green New Deal” being uploaded to her website. The Caller captioned the tweet, “Communist cow farts were a part of your Green New Deal, though.”  MORE

10 Comments on Occasional-Cortex blocks Daily Caller on Twitter

  1. I thought as an elected official she cannot block anyone, much less the press. I recall Trump was forced to unblock people. She is proposing transformative economic policies…she better read the oppositions concerns and pushback.


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