Oddball Statistic- 60% of All Selfie-Deaths Occurred in India – IOTW Report

Oddball Statistic- 60% of All Selfie-Deaths Occurred in India

You’d think the idiocy would be spread evenly throughout the globe. Why would more than half the deaths occur in one country? (Hey, wait, I can math. Maybe it’s because they have 6 trillion people?)

Still, I’ve been to America. I’ve seen Americans. I’ve met registered democrats. Shouldn’t we be doing better in the selfie-death Olympics?

It’s gotten so bad in India that the government is creating PSAs to keep their citizens from getting killed creating idiotic pics for their scrapbooks.

The PSAs didn’t help this guy. (Careful. Do Not View If You Are Triggered By Videos Of People Getting Mortally Wounded While Performing Idiotic Acts.)

(It’s a twitter post that I think is going to be pulled down. It’s disturbing and will cause you to wince, badly, and then get a headache. I’m reasonably sure this guy has become a statistic in the selfie-death column.)

Ht/ petrus



9 Comments on Oddball Statistic- 60% of All Selfie-Deaths Occurred in India

  1. China is first-world compared to India. Astounding considering how bright the people they export are. 3 years ago today a young friend lost her life and her brother nearly did, traveling in India. There is a photo of them, happy, taken less than 2 minutes before the truck slammed into their car. Unfortunately that is far too common in India.

  2. No wonder I have so much trouble getting through to the Call Center.

    Yeah I know,bad, but I’m probably going to Hell for voting for President Trump so what the heck…..

  3. I’m not convinced, but if human evolution actually exists, I have always feared that medical and other technical advances would prevent the driving factors behind evolution to affect humans any more. Between selfies and texting while driving or crossing streets, smart phones may have filled the gap.

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