Ohio: 3 Muslims plead guilty to concealing their funding of jihad mastermind al-Awlaki – IOTW Report

Ohio: 3 Muslims plead guilty to concealing their funding of jihad mastermind al-Awlaki

Jihad Watch: “Ibrahim Mohammad, an Indian citizen, studied engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from 2001 through 2005.”

No one at that university would have dared try to determine Ibrahim Mohammad’s sentiments regarding jihad. That would have been “Islamophobic.”

“Three Men Plead Guilty to Concealing Sending Funds to Anwar Al-Awlaki,” Department of Justice, April 12, 2018 (thanks to Patrick):

Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, 38; Asif Ahmed Salim, 38; and Sultane Room Salim, 43, pleaded guilty this week to one count of concealment of financing of terrorism, for their roles in concealing the provision of thousands of dollars to Anwar Al-Awlaki in an effort to support violent jihad against U.S. military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world….

A fourth defendant, Yahya Farooq Mohammad, pleaded guilty last year to one count of conspiracy to provide and conceal material support or resources to terrorists and one count of solicitation to commit a crime of violence. Farooq Mohammed admitted to conspiring to travel to Yemen to provide thousands of dollars, equipment and other assistance to Al-Awlaki. He also admitted to soliciting an undercover FBI employee posing as a hitman to kidnap and murder U.S. District Judge Jack Zouhary. He was sentenced to 27 ½ years in prison last year.  read more

4 Comments on Ohio: 3 Muslims plead guilty to concealing their funding of jihad mastermind al-Awlaki

  1. So. Ow they will spend some quality time in prison where they will work to convert other low-IQ inmates to Islam. They should be executed for conspiracy to overthrow the United States.


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