Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Set to Veto Controversial ‘Medical Free Speech’ Policy – IOTW Report

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Set to Veto Controversial ‘Medical Free Speech’ Policy

In a press conference Friday, the governor said he intends to line-item veto a provision of House Bill 315.

The provision states that the Department of Health and state medical and pharmacy boards would not be able to discipline licensed health care professionals for “publicly or privately expressing a medical opinion that does not align” with the state’s views.

h/t SNS

Read it HERE.

17 Comments on Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Set to Veto Controversial ‘Medical Free Speech’ Policy

  1. You can always count on RINO DeWine to side with his totalitarian Democrat coconspirators on pretty much everything.

    He used Coof in particular to defy the ORDER of the State Supreme Court to help his buddy Pedo Joe out in the primaries.

    Pretty sure he found the power of medical tyranny to intoxicating to let go…

  2. ““This would totally strip our regulatory boards of authority,” DeWine said.

    For example, this could allow doctors to spread misinformation or overprescribe opioids and not face punishment for saying it was their “opinion.””

    Wow, it’s like the lying sacks of shit think we’re stupid.

  3. There is something fundamentally wrong with the Republican Party. Instead of blindly accepting anyone claiming to be a Republican maybe there should be some kind of litmus test for acceptance into the Republican Party.

  4. About that litmus test – I keep seeing complaints about some conservatives not being open-minded enough to accept less than stellar candidates. And then some wonder why we keep getting less than stellar candidates.

  5. …undestand that what DeWine is effectively doing here is outlawing the practice of medicine. The governmemt will be the sole determiner of what acceptable treatment is, and no one is even allowed to QUESTION this orthodoxy. Medicine, therefore, in the eyes of the State of Ohio all medicine is settled science and therefore has reached its final, inarguable form.

    Only Governmemt therefore can dictate all treatment, and only government can change it.

    This means the practice of medicine is dead.

  6. He is and has always been a Rino. As much i i can not stand that beady eyed little bastard, politically he is smart. I wish he was dumber, so we could replace him. But he always does just enough to get the conservative block to give him the vote. I hate it, but I have live here my entire life. He plays the game like a democrat does. This will be a blip on the radar and soon fade into the way back machine. But, when he does something we, the conservative people want/like there will be a news conference, it will magically come up in the news cycle at the right time. This is the game he has played the entire time he has been in office. Go back and look, you will see. Rinse and repeat.

  7. What a dick. State controlled “healthcare” is shit healthcare. It forces good doctors to be mediocre and it allows shitty doctors to be agents of medical practices of dubious, if not outright destructive, value.

  8. I do have to say, DeWhine is much better than Pritzker the Illinois Governor.

    My entire family of nine vacated Illinois in 2012, many Illinoisans immigrated to better states. Even more good people who live in the Southern 2/3 of the state are stuck in the Democrat controlled state.

  9. Don’t they have any damn lawyers in their legislature?

    I’m in favor of single issue or subject-matter bills. That said, the line item messing can be got around with a sentence in the bill that says: the provisions of this bill are not severable, and any veto of a part of this bill invalidates all of it.


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