Old Couple Confronts Shoplifter – IOTW Report

Old Couple Confronts Shoplifter

Seems people have more balls when confronting a certain demographic…

16 Comments on Old Couple Confronts Shoplifter

  1. If he were black, she’d have never confronted him because she would know that the nigger would break her face. That’s white slave mentality right there. The blacks are now our privileged overseers.

  2. Good for them!
    If this asswipe would have tried to hit one of them with a weapon or such, they would have used their concealed carry firearms to defend themselves. Thus one less scumbag!

  3. Have”we” had enough? Don’t think so…people haven’t suffered enough yet or felt enough shame.

    As long as we don’t have to get involved or claim we’re not “we” yet. America you aren’t awake yet or you would be screaming to have “our” illegitimate government removed. AIN’T gonna happen because there ain’t enough selfless people left. Covid has taught (wasn’t that it’s purpose?) Us to be selfish and worry only about ourselves.

    America is the Babylon the Bible speaks about in the book of Revelation.

    We kill our babies, pursue money and power, and know no bounds in our sexual proclivities. And Hollywood makes it look good don’t it?

  4. That was great. These thieves and thugs are not cool at all, they’re driving up prices for us.
    Sometimes a wood shampoo or hot pepper spray is the answer.
    An even bigger threat is the printing of money in the last year, it’s gone from 4 trillion to 20 trillion plus in circulation. Most people walking around don’t realize they are having their paycheck mostly stolen.
    This is going to get bad before it gets even worse.

  5. Dumb shit thought because he saw video of the “brothers” shoplifting unimpeded , that he could join in all the fun. Found out there are different rules for the pigmentaly challenged.

  6. Guys, you know I am all about free speech. But I am asking to please rethink using words that will get me deplatformed. It seems speech is not free if we lose our ads or platform.
    I am caught in middle here.

  7. Sadly , even with a scumbag like he is, he’s still white and has some semblance of a soul NOT to attack the seniors where as the blacks have no SOUL and would beat, shoot, stab babies children seniors or anything else that would get in their way . Even their mom dad siblings grandma . Its in their DNA . Besides, if your white and you go after one of the black Sub-Humans YOU ARE DAM SURE GOING TO JAIL if you survive the attack they give you .

  8. But, but, but Biden is building back better and the economy is booming. Peppermint Patty told us so.

    FUCK DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. This is great, but I would like to see more people stepping up. It shouldn’t just be one grandma and grandpa, it should be about 10-15 people confronting these assholes to let them know they can’t get away with this crap. Also, those kind of odds would prevent a thief from taking a swing at any one individual.

  10. “Guys, you know I am all about free speech. But I am asking to please rethink using words that will get me deplatformed. ”

    The single most important post from Fur I’ve ever seen.


    So knock off those fucking midget jokes.

  11. Great couple with the perfect amount of swearing.

    I wonder though.
    Do the Walmart Receipt Checkers still Only Harass the paying customers while ignoring the obvious Human Garbage.


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