Old Rockers Stirring Things Up At the Hall Of Fame – IOTW Report

Old Rockers Stirring Things Up At the Hall Of Fame

Steve Miller was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last week and proceeded to complain very loudly about the organizers of the event.


The extent of his grousing was enough to embarrass the Black Keys who presented the “Gangster of Love” for his induction.

Mr. Miller’s main bone of contention was how few women have made it to the Hall of Fame as well as how the Hall treats artists (they were going to charge Miller $10,000 for additional ticket to the event).


Gene Simmons of KISS also caused a stir by taking exception to rap group N.W.A. being inducted into the Hall this year. After stating his objection to their inclusion he engaged in a running twitter battle with N.W.A. members Ice Cube and M.C. Ren.



18 Comments on Old Rockers Stirring Things Up At the Hall Of Fame

  1. Simmon’s nailed it: When Jimi Hendix and Led Zeppelin are inducted into the Hip Hop Hall of Fame he’ll re-think his position.
    I’d still love to visit the place someday.

  2. “how the Hall treats artists (they were going to charge Miller $10,000 for additional ticket to the event)”

    yes but the rich rocker has no problem charging a anything but wealthy fan $100 for ticket to see one of his shows. ass.

    I love how tight these rich celebrity people are with all their money while at the same time crowing about how mean and stingy rich business people are with their money.

  3. Myron Floren, Lawrence Welk are you kidding me? Maybe if they had an old fart/geezer, nursing homes on Sat. nights, accordion polka (I do like a good polka though, now and then) and just plain lousy and cheesy music hall of fame. “Wunnerful, wunnerful and a one and a two.” Actually I think they call it elevator music or musak. The world will probably be a better place when the last of the boomers finally croaks around 2050-2060 and all the oldies music and so called classic rock stations becomes as outdated as big band and swing music from the 30’s and 40’s. Then it will CRAPS ( hopefully sooner rather than later) turn to die, just like disco it sucks.

  4. Who does he think he is?
    If he doesn’t like the rules he should play another game.
    As said above these whiney leftards are all well past their ‘sell by’ date.

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