Old School Cage Match: Everly Brothers Versus Simon & Garfunkel – IOTW Report

Old School Cage Match: Everly Brothers Versus Simon & Garfunkel

This is purely about harmony.

Which two sang better harmony live –

36 Comments on Old School Cage Match: Everly Brothers Versus Simon & Garfunkel

  1. The Everly Brother’s All I Have to do is Dream is a beauty. If you haven’t heard it in a long time, tee it up and give it a listen.

    The guitar accompaniment is not just some strumming or plucking, it’s excellent on its own and combines with the harmonizing vocals to great effect. Sometimes when I listen, I’ll sort of just isolate on the guitar – it is so good. 60+ years after it came out, I’m enjoying it more than ever

  2. @BFH

    Yes I did enjoy it – their voices are amazing in their harmonizing.

    Thanks for the link.

    I still remember when they joined the Marine Corps. I had to ask my dad what the Marine Corps was, and he explained it to me.

  3. Born ’41 and brought up early on in Da Bron’x, came back to Da City in ’62; Simon and Garfunkel sing to my heart.
    When it comes to harmony,however, the Everly Brothers win hands down: acoustic guitars and no audio engineer fiddlin’ with what comes over the speakers.

  4. The one Lyric in EB’s All I have to do is Dream: “Hold me Tight”, which also comes up in other songs, makes me think of some European gigolo from the 1930’s to a woman he just met: My Dearest One, you shall come to my hotel, and holde me tighte.

  5. Here’s one to throw into the later rounds of the cage match. I don’t know of any finer harmony anywhere than this family singing (brother and sisters). Not rock & roll, but were very popular in the 1950’s. And the link shows them all at pretty much 80 years old (2006 recording), but they still have an exceptionally smooth harmony even considering their age. Look up their original recordings of this one and “Little Jimmie Brown” if you want to hear some exceptional harmony from a group.


  6. The recording of The Sound of Silence was significantly better, giving them an edge. Also, the harmony was more complex with a wider vocal gap between the two and a more interesting performance, in my humble opinion.

  7. The Everly Brothers influenced the Beatles. I imagine that they also influenced Simon and Garfunkle. They are the true originals in this genre. And the Righteous Bros… NOBODY does woah, woah, woah, like they do! *well maybe Human League is close. 🙂

  8. @Geoff – thanks for your opinion LOL. I’ll give ya that it is a song from the frenchies, but the harmonies are still wonderful. I’ve always favored family harmonies because in most cases they have always practiced together from when they were small children which seems to add a “richness” to their harmonies. The Chuch Wagon Gang is a wonderful old family group and their descendants still keep the harmonies alive even today.

  9. For smooth but subdued harmonizing, there is a 3 person group called the Fleetwoods, one guy and two ladies.

    Their song, Mr. Blue (1959), is so smooth you would think they each swallowed a couple tablespoons of honey before the recording.


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