Oldest Inmate in Modern Times Put To Death, 83 year-old Walter Leroy Moody – IOTW Report

Oldest Inmate in Modern Times Put To Death, 83 year-old Walter Leroy Moody

Alabama put a mail bomber into permanent slumber for the murder of a federal judge in 1989. He sent a package to a circuit judge who had ruled that Moody’s previous “possession of a pipe bomb” conviction would prevent him from pursuing a law license.

Moody proved the judge right when the idiot sent 4 separate bombs through the mail, one to kill the judge, the others to throw people off the track by making it seem like the KKK was responsible.

He said nothing when asked if he had a final statement.

Good riddance, nutball.

17 Comments on Oldest Inmate in Modern Times Put To Death, 83 year-old Walter Leroy Moody

  1. Justice delayed is Justice denied.

    Our local alt-weekly pudstains have been bemoaning this poor, old man’s impending fate with the usual histrionics. We just like killing old people.

    Have some people been wrongly imprisoned or framed? Yep. Are some people dead to rights guilty? Also, yep.

  2. Killing a Federal Judge should be a misdemeanor.

    I mean, there’s no shortage of em, is there? Always some other maggot lawyer drooling and panting to dress up in a robe.

    The “law” should keep it in perspective.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Good for Alabama. It is rare to see someone get the punishment they deserve at that age. And maddening when criminals like the Lockerbie bomber get released on compassionate grounds and are able to spend the rest of their life free after murdering innocent people.

  4. Tim, the defense was arguing that the murdered judge was anti-death penalty so not executing would be granting him his wish.

    Genius, really. Apply that to every leftist judge.


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