Oldest Known Footage of a Solar Eclipse – IOTW Report

Oldest Known Footage of a Solar Eclipse

13 Comments on Oldest Known Footage of a Solar Eclipse

  1. Why are local, state, and Fed Gov agencies warning us to stock up on food and water for an eclipse? What the hell’s going on here? I’m fully stocked up on ammo.

  2. Now you can see why the ancient people went nuts when this happened. Had no warning that it was coming, no idea what was happening, and no idea it was only temporary.

  3. I remember a “Classics Illustrated” comic book (who else remembers them?) from the 1950’s or early 1960’s about a white 19th explorer in pith helmet and all, encountering some natives somewhere in the world (if I remember it clearly enough). They were getting restless, advancing on him with menacing spears. He knew a solar eclipse was coming, and he warned the natives that he would make the sun disappear if they kept threatening him. Sure enough, the sun disappeared and the natives began to grovel before him, and deified him as God/King/Emperor of the world.

    The explorer got a lucky break. Instead of being boiled alive in a big iron pot, he was made their God.

  4. There was an eclipse when I was a kid back in 1970 and no one and no govt tried to scare people.
    It was a learning experience and the teachers in school used it for lessons.
    We went to our friends’ house to watch because they had a slide projector and we used a couple of slides to look through.

  5. There was a total solar eclipse during the Summer of 1963 that I got to watch with my brothers and my grandmother at their farm in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, just N. of Coeur d’ Alene. My mom and dad would farm us out to our grandparents for a month or so every Summer. I remember that she let us watch it thru of the bottom of a brown coke bottle, so we wouldn’t supposedly hurt our eyes looking directly at the solar eclipse, it was pretty cool. I tried to see a lunar eclipse once, but it was too cloudy for anyone to see but a fleeting glimpse in between overcast skies.


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