Oleg Deripaska’s Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Grassley – IOTW Report

Oleg Deripaska’s Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Grassley

Conservative Tree House:

Adam Waldman is the lawyer/lobbyist for Oleg Deripaska, the Russian billionaire who appears to be a key background player in the 2016 DOJ/FBI scheme against presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Additionally, Mr. Waldman represents the U.S. interests of Christopher Steele, a likely contract employee of Deripaska and author of the Clinton-Steele Dossier that was used by the DOJ/FBI during their counterintelligence operation against presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Because of his centrality, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley recently requested testimony from Mr. Adam Waldman, surrounding his contacts and engagements -with Deripaska, and by extension the DOJ/FBI- throughout the 2016/2017 operation to undermine and remove President Donald Trump.

In a response letter released August 18th (full pdf below) lawyers representing Mr. Waldman told Senator Chuck Grassley their client was “out of the country and not expected to return for several weeks.” SEE BELOW:

However, internet researcher/investigator almostjingo noticed that Mr. Waldman’s wife Barbara Sturm posted an instagram picture today of them dining with friends in New York last night, August 22nd: MORE

12 Comments on Oleg Deripaska’s Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Grassley

  1. Yeah, it’s time to frogmarch some of these dudes. The arrogance of this guy is quite remarkable.

    As an aside, why does it seem that all of these lib slimeballs have wives that don’t share their last name? Seems to me that it’s easier to hide their duplicity that way.

    Like Rosenstein’s wife, who was mentioned in an article on IOTW a few days ago. “My wife? You don’t see any woman with my last name, do you?”

  2. “Mr. Waldman’s wife Barbara Sturm posted an instagram picture today of them dining with friends in New York last night, August 22nd…”

    If anybody ever deserved to be ambushed, harassed and harangued during their dinner, it’s these assholes. Man, I wish O’Keefe or Crowder had gotten a heads up.

    And watch Waldman fly the coop to Europe this weekend for an extended stay. Put him on the no-fly list, President Trump

  3. You can run but you can’t hide Mr.Waldman. Grassley asked nice the first time, he will not be so nice next time. Can you spell subpoena?
    Congressmen take a dim view of being lied too even though they themselves are professional prevaricators. Apparently congress doesn’t like the competition. Waldman you are knee deep in this shit. The best thing you can do is come clean and get it over with. If you drag it out it will keep getting messier and uglier.
    The truth will come out sooner or later and when it does there will be hell to pay. We came close to losing our country over these malicious claims by you swamp critters. We, the people, are aware of the magnitude of your corruption and will continue to investigate until all miscreants are charged and sentenced. It is possible that more radical solutions may be required, however our country is not going to allow any entity to sully our elections.

  4. Yes. Barsoomian is Rosenstein’s wife. She represented Clinton and all her FBI friends as lawyer and Rosenstein let the clintons off during the Whitewater case. This all goes back to hillary and the clintons.
    Now you know why 0bama picked her as secretary of state. He could have her serve up the FBI and a handful of AGs and federal judges and in return, 0bama would let her do whatever she wanted as $ecretary of $tate.

  5. Although it pains me to say it, and I am quite surprised at this, sundance doesn’t accurately describe the letter. In his text, he quotes it as Waldman being

    out of the country and not expected to return for several weeks.

    But the actual letter says Waldman was

    out of the country and not expected to return to Washington for several weeks.

    That letter may be the truth, but worded in a misleading way. Waldman may well have been out of the country when the letter was written, and then went to New York but not to Washington. If when he returned to NY he had no plans to go to DC then the letter does not contain a lie.

    This is most uncharacteristic of sundance’s usual keen eye for detail and habit of accuracy.

  6. Uncle Al- Yeah, I know waldman can defend that with lawyerese
    but still, Grassley asked him to tell his client Oleg Deripaska to come see him. So now Grassley has a reason to subpoena him, because he WAS in the country and ignored Grassley. No matter where Oleg Deripaska was, I’m sure Grassley would have given him a ride to DC, right? LOL.

  7. @MJA – Right! But sundance characterizes the letter as being a lie, and he misquoted it in his piece last night to “prove” his point. That’s separate from recognizing that Waldman is a sleazy lawyer covering his own ass.

  8. senator warner has his phone number. He’s successfully used it in the past. “No paper trail.” But warner’s association with him is a large part of the avoidance.
    In addition to his testifying about his involvement in the dossier creation, he now needs to substantiate his lawyer’s statement that he was ‘out of the country.’ They state that ‘We have consulted with him.’ This needs to be verified, as if he can not indeed prove that he was ‘out of the country’ at the time of the lawyers statement, a lie was made to Congress. And prosecution for lying seems to be pretty popular currently. Certainly, there is precedent for prosecution.
    Someone needs to grab ahold of this and start winching it in.

  9. @MJA – sundance’s heart and mind are very, very much in the right place. He’s outstanding and in a class by himself. If there’s anyone else who’s that good publishing similar investigative / analytical journalism on the web, I’d sure like to know about it.

  10. Then their money should be “out of the country and not expected to return for several weeks”. At least, until he appears for the Committee.
    If we don’t get them where it hurts, we’ll never get them.


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