Oleg Rant At Truth Revolt – Ohio State U Terror Attack is the Story of Immigration – IOTW Report

Oleg Rant At Truth Revolt – Ohio State U Terror Attack is the Story of Immigration

Truth Revolt- Oleg Atbashian

The Ohio State University jihadist, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was not just a Muslim immigrant from Somalia. He had the coveted refugee status, which means the US government provided him with food, shelter, and education grants. What made him so mad at Americans that he went on an indiscriminate killing rampage? Was it something he heard from ISIS – or was it the school-approved “social justice” rhetoric about how much he suffered in this country as a Muslim? It could be both, not necessarily in that order.
The University police officer who shot and killed him, Alan Horujko, is another young man from an immigrant family. His ancestors hailed from Ukraine or any of the bordering areas in Poland, Belarus, Slovakia, or another Eastern European country. They’d be shocked to hear that someday the U.S. government would feed and house immigrants – especially the types of immigrants that have a proven record of going on murderous rampages and indiscriminately killing and maiming Americans simply for being Americans.

Based on these two examples, which type of immigration is beneficial to America and which one is harmful?


ht/ rob e.

11 Comments on Oleg Rant At Truth Revolt – Ohio State U Terror Attack is the Story of Immigration

  1. Human history has very few examples of religions who were simply too evil for any civilized society to tolerate…BUT, there have been a few. When society finally accepts 1400 years of evidence of the evil that is Islam, we will either surrender or we will actually begin to fight. If society wins, then Islam will join that select group of religions.

    I absolutely HATE that the last sentence had to start with the word “If”.

    MSG Grumpy

  2. I watched the ohio state game on Saturday.
    during the after game interviews on field, a man of middle eastern descent was hopping up and down in the background hold his “plo scarf” up for everyone to see.
    I pointed him out to my girlfriend while to was happening.

    now, since the attack, I have been wondering if it was the same person as the terrorist?

  3. Yep Odin, the “left” is an appropriate term for this isn’t it? It still pisses me off that the media got away with switching red and blue after Reagan won.

    I guess associating “Red” with the democrats was just a little too close to the truth.

  4. Interesting, but unsubstantiated trivia (aka, I’m not going to look it up), I had an anatomy teacher once who told the class that there was a statistically significant correlation between violent behavior and the position of the ear relative to the eye.

    If the ear is entirely below a line from the later canthus, watch out.

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