Ollie North To Step Down From NRA – IOTW Report

Ollie North To Step Down From NRA

It seems former Marine colonel and current president of the NRA, Oliver North, lost whatever support he may have had with the governing board of the gun rights organization in a dispute over the entity’s advertising firm, Ackerman McQueen.

The dispute blew up earlier this month when the National Rifle Association filed a lawsuit alleging its long time advertising agency and its PR subsidiary, Mercury Group,  withheld “business records including budgets and contracts charging the NRA for services.”
The NRA wants to know how the ad firm has been generating billings of over “$40 million as operations expanded to include NRATV featuring personalities Dana Loesch and Oliver North.” More

It seems North attempted this week to force executive VP Wayne LaPierre out, by suggesting to the organization that he had embarrassing information that he would be willing to withhold if LaPierre resigned. More

Last night however, it was Oliver North who announced he would not serve another term as president of the organization after his term runs out tomorrow. More


20 Comments on Ollie North To Step Down From NRA

  1. Ollie should have stayed clear. NRA seems to be in some financial difficulties, they better get it straightened out before the frivolous lawsuits from the left starts raining on them, trying to bury them for good.

  2. I remember riding my bike (which everyone should be doing) in 1987 and seeing a truck with two bumper stickers. One read I’m not Fonda Hanoi Jane and the other said GBA and Oliver North. BTW I will not acknowledge that anthem because the person who wrote and sang that song, Kate Smith was a racist. But back to the red neck. I yelled at him, “I’m not jolly about Ollie North myself”. Then I got out of there quick, because I saw Easy Rider and know how violent hillbillies can get.

  3. We only have LaPierre’s word for it that Ollie was extorting him. Reading between the lines, looks like Ollie asked too many questions and was shown the door. Regardless who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, this whole mess should have been handled differently. My guess is that when LaPierre saw his 7-figure income threatened, he used his power to eliminate the threat.

  4. I’d like to see the NRA focus on fighting gun-grabbers more aggressively. The war on guns will not be won by compromise or “common sense” laws.
    Not sure how their resources are allocated. But the ILA should be a top priority these days.

  5. The most recent taped message the NRA played to hear my thoughts And my eagerness to contribute could have been recorded 30 years ago. I was supposed to whip out my credit card upon being told Nancy Pelosi wanted to take our guns. Yawn….. I told the nice caller….we’re past that….i’m Worried about my feckless REPUBLICAN Representative and Senators. Get current….or face irrelevance. Single issue groups NEED the constant boogeymen to maintain that income stream. Solving the problem would end their whole circle jerk of self importance. Ran into this attitude with pro-life single issue groups as a local tea party gal in Texas. Any group that ain’t in it to advance constitutional governance across the board for the community is as phoned as a Clinton 3 dollar bill. I’m past this whole idea we have to bribe our elected officials to follow the Constitution .

  6. @Anonymous April 28, 2019 at 3:15 pm

    > Without the NRA, we’re dead. Support it while this is worked out.

    Because people who intend to obey The Party, have some use for “their” guns. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  7. Oy, I feel bad on both sides as I respect LaPierre and North both. Hate to think one is not an honest broker. This reminds me of when Jim DeMint got ousted from Heritage Foundation. Still won’t give to those guys. Mebbe that’s wrong, but I do give to other conservative outfits.

  8. I made this comment before.
    Outside audit the whole operation including relationships with suppliers and whether those suppliers are delivering value for money billed. Audit the salaries of senior staffers to determine value for services. When the audit is complete give the NRA execs a chance to answer the auditors findings/concerns then post everything on the website without comment and let the membership decide via a vote if it’s time to clean house.

  9. I’m Benefactor level and all three kids are Life members. I have been calling for a general housecleaning of a lot of the top brass for over a decade and that applies in spades to the ILA. GOA Life member too. I support NRA education and competition and donate to that exclusively and to GOA for Second Amendment support.

    The NRA-ILA staff move back and forth between government and NRA and are not to be trusted. Their eRepublican connections are poisonous, they are busy cutting back room deals that would make Paul Ryan proud. I’m warning you, unless and until there is a general housecleaning don’t trust them.


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