O’Malley calls DNC debate set-up ‘legally problematic’ – IOTW Report

O’Malley calls DNC debate set-up ‘legally problematic’

WashingtonExaminer– Martin O’Malley’s lawyer released a memo Tuesday claiming the Democratic National Committee’s debate process breaks federal election rules, is “legally problematic” and “entirely unprecedented.”


The DNC released its debate schedule last week, featuring four debates before the Iowa caucuses and only two after, barring any candidate who participates in an unsanctioned debate.  MORE


5 Comments on O’Malley calls DNC debate set-up ‘legally problematic’

  1. Poor, poor O’Malley after all of his years in the 3rd world shit-hole of a political Party he still doesn’t know that it’s the DemoRAT elite, and their hand picked super delegates, that decide the Primary winner. Old Hill never figured that out either, even after it happened right in front of her face, as King Putt was chosen and assumed the mantle Even old Bimbo Billy was ambushed and he once had their blessing and anointing!

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