O’Malley calls for breakable encryption – IOTW Report

O’Malley calls for breakable encryption


WaExaminer: Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley called for breakable encryption during Sunday evening’s Democratic presidential debate, but added that law enforcement should be required to get a warrant in order to access encrypted communication.

“I believe whether it’s a back door or a front door that the American principle of law should still hold,” O’Malley said. “The American government should have to get a warrant whether they want to come through your front door or your back door.”  read more

18 Comments on O’Malley calls for breakable encryption

  1. Wrong O’Malley!
    The government through the NSA and police false cell towers has proven that “laws” and “warrants” are for the little people and not them.

    Go forth with thyself and autofornicate and smash silicon granules from the beach. Translate: GFY and pound sand

  2. Maryland’s official state song (“Maryland, My Maryland”) refers to Abraham Lincoln as “despot”, “tyrant” and Vandal”, and contains the lyrics “Huzza! she spurns the Northern scum!”.

    So you see, the state can’t be ALL bad…


  3. It can’t be all bad for sure! I’m a native Crab, born in Annapolis while my father was teaching at the Academy in 1949, and lived many years in Maryland (Anne Arundel, Caroline, Prince Georges, & Montgomery counties) before getting the hell out!

  4. The poison spreads.

    Used to be only PG, Monkey, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore Counties were complete shit holes, but now it has spread to the rest.

    The whole state is a fever swamp of diseased slaves.

    You have to get a permit to get a permit to buy a gun – and the cost is exorbitant.

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