On Air Reporter Tries to Convince Viewers They Are Hearing “Let’s Go Brandon” Rather Than “F*** Joe Biden” – IOTW Report

On Air Reporter Tries to Convince Viewers They Are Hearing “Let’s Go Brandon” Rather Than “F*** Joe Biden”

24 Comments on On Air Reporter Tries to Convince Viewers They Are Hearing “Let’s Go Brandon” Rather Than “F*** Joe Biden”

  1. I’ve got a #FJB hat, but I wrote the makers, Lions Not Sheep, last night saying it was too subtle and inside baseball. I want a hat that says….
    F! Joe Biden.

    More understandable and direct.

  2. Beotch must have damaged her hearing during the driver’s run of the track.
    I clearly hear “F*ck Joe Biden”.
    She must think Brandon is a super popular guy, ’cause this chant is everywhere.

  3. Many moons ago, my sister and I taught our baby brother to say all kinds of bad words.
    We almost died on Thanksgiving when we he went to my grandma and said “fur pie”.
    She said, yes, I like fruit pie.
    Let’s go Brandon!

  4. They’ll find a tech solution that will block the “F**K Joe Biden” chants or other things they don’t want TV viewers seeing or hearing. This would not be simple bleeping which blocks all sounds, but a tool that selectively blocks only what patriots and conservatives chant at these events.


    I’m going to assume that you are joking, so I won’t answer your question. But if we don’t reverse our national trend, the real burning question will be, “Who is John Galt?”


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