On Maternity Leave and #NeverTrumpers – IOTW Report

On Maternity Leave and #NeverTrumpers

Since Donald Trump has proposed a federal maternity program the #NeverTrumpers have been shrieking that they warned us the man is a closet liberal democrat and will ruin the Conservative movement.  Underlying this argument is the assumption there is a choice between Trump and a maternity plan or vote against Trump and kill this policy initiative.

It’s a false dichotomy.  The reality is you can put your trust in Trump and the Republican Party to consider the merits of such legislation or you can trust Hillary and her party to pursue their policy ends.  There is no other alternative.


Your tears of outrage have not convinced me that the nation will be worse off with the Republican candidate than it would the Democrat and that’s the only difference that matters.


41 Comments on On Maternity Leave and #NeverTrumpers

  1. It would take a President Donald 8 years of hard labor, guile and dishonesty to tax, spend and even start to grow the government as much as the craven partnership of DemocRATs and RepublicRATs have during the past 8 years!

  2. I see what you’re saying Dr. Tar, but what bothers me is that the Trump supporters are just going along with a huge new entitlement program. Why not hold Trump’s feet to the fire and force him to walk this back? When he started “softening” on immigration a couple weeks ago that’s exactly what happened. Ann Coulter et. al. were very vocal and he changed course.

  3. Fuck the #NeverTrump fucktards. I’m sick of their shit. Fuck them and the dying hildabeast they’re trying to ride in on. They didn’t listen or read the details about how such a proposal could be funded and they think conservatism means coddling murderous muslims and criminal foreign invaders but taking care of our own people is in-American. Screw them.

  4. Jon and matty don’t understand the dynamics of CAMPAIGNING…making promises FOR VOTES that only Congress can keep…but that’s understandable… I give them credit for daring to wander here off the Right Scoop Plantation….

  5. Who say’s Trump is going to get Congress to go along with his proposal?

    I promise you they’ll go along with either Hillary’s or his of course if Democrats take the Senate and get within striking range of the House. That’s what happens if Conservative voters treat Trump like another Romney and don’t show up at the polls to vote at all in November.

    Who say’s Congressional Republicans can’t moderate the proposal and come up with a viable plan, most likely taking money from an existing worthless program? Who say’s Trump will actually remember this proposal and make it a priority once the election is over?

    Trump has been moving the needle in key states and taking the initiative to propose a program that is going to appeal to a key demographic is how one win elections. We know he has the white male vote all wrapped up, but he needs to make inroads with those constituencies the Democrats are depending on to turn out for them this cycle – Blacks and women.

    This proposal should be viewed as a wise strategic move, not as some betrayal of a promise he never made in the first place.

  6. I remain a Trump supporter, but dictating employers give extended maternity leave and forcing them to pay for it with part of the unemployment system is just bad policy.

    This is nothing but a dis-incentive to bring jobs back to the US and a piece of raw meat for those who say Trump is, at heart, a big government liberal.

    Nobody’s perfect, but he needs to walk back this provision. It’s just stupid.

  7. You know, during elections, Demorats always move to the right and sound more conservative than conservatives. You never hear a word from the left (at least I never see it) on how their candidate is abandoning progressive ideals in favor of right wing proposals.

    Why? Because they know its bullshit. That’s just to lure over independents who are fence sitters. They knew deep down that anything Obama promised that had a hint of being center or center right was pure bullshit. It’s just theater.

    I could give a rats ass about “holding Trump’s feet to the fire” before the election if he is proposing some left wing ideals. It’s just stupid. He just neutralizes left wing talking points. After the election, the RINOe can hold his feet to the fire all they want as long as Hillary does not get elected. That is the only time the RINOe will be seen with a backbone, when they can stand up to their own party members. McConnell and Ryan won’t shut down the Govt to stop Obama, but they will do it to stop Trump.

    Why is that so friggin hard for #NT to understand????????????

  8. Gladys,
    I understand your point, but mine remains the same, whether most already do it or not, it’s simply not the government’s business. Government regulations are what helps drive away jobs, we need fewer, not more instances of government meddling in the workplace.

  9. Mr. Pinko, I know there’s no perfect candidate. But there are good and bad policies and this one sucks really bad. Trump should walk this back like he walked back not deporting illegals. But he won’t do that if we keep our mouths shut.

  10. @Jon why is it so all important to you for the candidate to “walk back” a major policy initiative days after he’s proposed it? Why the rush?

    Unless it’s costing more votes then the set back of looking undecided and directionless (which the Dems and the MSM would gladly rather obsess on than Hillary’s health) then I don’t see how it serves the objective of keeping the Clintons out of the WH.

  11. Dr. Tar,

    because this policy initiative is terrible. Same as not deporting illegals. It sucks and I’m anxious for him to understand that and change directions.

    Why are you so hesitant to push our candidate to the right? Are you going to wait till he’s elected to let him know that you don’t want more gov’t handouts? I think that’s a bad idea. Make him commit NOW and it’ll be that much more uncomfortable for him to do things like this when he’s in the WH.

  12. @Jon you’re response indicates that the perfect campaign proposal is more important to you than keeping Hillary out of the WH.

    This obsession with the perfect position is why I put this post up in the first place and why I oppose the constant gripping of the #NeverTrumpers.

    Undermine voter turnout for Republicans this November is handing the election over to the Democrats – then you can take the superior position with them while the ignore you all the way to their Socialist utopia they’ll drag us down into.

  13. Gee Wally when I was working it was called it short term disability.

    Business tax rates will be cut in half and many stifling regulations will go away. So any argument about “jobs” would have nothing to do with a maternity leave policy.

    Oh, and thanks to NeverTrump aizholes I’m seeing Hitlery adds using their words. So be proud NeverTrumpers! I’d love to punch you in your cochsooker you idiot fooken basturds.

  14. Dr. Tar,

    Do you like Trump’s maternity leave proposal? That’s a direct question. Yes or no. By the way, Trump isn’t going to lose because you say you don’t like one of his proposals. He’ll lose if he gets less EC votes than Hillary.

  15. @Jon you’re so focused on this one issue that you’ve lost the point of voting at all.

    Whether I like the proposal or not is a pointless argument – either way both major candidates have put a proposal out there.

    Why don’t you tell me, yes or no. Are you going to vote for the Republican candidate for president or stay away from the polls altogether over this single issue?

  16. Your problem is that you imagine you’re one of Trump’s insiders who knows what’s going on. You’re not and you don’t. You’re a Joe Schmoe just like me and if you want conservative things to get done you have to throw your weight around. Or maybe you like the idea of free maternity leave

  17. @Jon At the risk of paraphrasing someone I loath and repeating myself yet again to make the same point – What difference at this point does it make? Both major candidates have made the same proposal.

    Now to deny you the joy of an unmet challenge. I don’t care so long as its fiscally neutral. If not and it wins Trump the election I still won’t care. If it isn’t and he losses because of low turn out to vote against Hillary I’ll be very disappointed in those who insisted on flogging a horse that’s already made it to the barn – and it won’t matter, will it?

    Glad your still voting R though – keep the faith.

  18. How many entitlement programs started out as fiscally neutral? All in the same fashion while robbing your children of their future? Imagine a future where we are not 20 trillion in debt and much much in unfunded liabilities which is all this would turn out being, this is not that path nor the path of a fiscal conservative

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