On this day in 1882 – IOTW Report

On this day in 1882

Congress passes 1st law restricting immigration.

On August 3, 1882, the forty-seventh United States Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1882. It is considered by many to be “first general immigration law” due to the fact that it created the guidelines of exclusion through the creation of “a new category of inadmissible aliens.”

Upon inquiry of the vessels transporting immigrants, immigration officials were given the authority to expel certain immigrants based on criteria laid out within the Act. The legislation dictated that “If on such examination there shall be found among such passengers any convict, lunatic, idiot, or any person unable to take care of him or herself without becoming a public charge, they shall report the same in writing to the collector of such port, and such person shall not be permitted to land.” Furthermore, if a criminal was found to be on board, it was the fiscal responsibility of the ship that brought the immigrant there to take them back out of the United States.

7 Comments on On this day in 1882

  1. “If on such examination there shall be found among such passengers any convict, lunatic, idiot, or any person unable to take care of him or herself without becoming a public charge, they shall report the same in writing to the collector of such port, and such person shall not be permitted to land.”

    So how is it they all ended up in Washington DC?

  2. Google most likely knows about this but would argue that there is nothing to celebrate due to the fact that this law was backed by a bunch of angry white men bent on preserving their lordship over the unwashed masses.

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