Once deemed elite, U.S. attorney office Manhattan castigated for repeated abuses – IOTW Report

Once deemed elite, U.S. attorney office Manhattan castigated for repeated abuses

Just The News_

The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan has long been prized as one of the crown jewels of the Justice Department, a place where big Wall Street names are prosecuted and where prosecutors themselves can cement future advancement in politics and law.

The office has given rise to future presidential candidates like Thomas Dewey and Rudy Giuliani, a future FBI Director in James Comey and long-serving crime fighters like Robert Morgenthau and Robert Fiske.

But a string of recent rulings has stripped some of the luster off the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, as frustrated judges have accused prosecutors and the FBI agents who worked with them of improper leaking, dishonesty, or failure to disclose evidence of innocence to defendants.

One of the more controversial rulings occurred on the watch of Obama-era U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, whose office misled the court about FBI leaking in an insider stock case, Just the News recently reported.

But the latest — and among the most severe — such rulings came in the last month, when U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan blasted the prosecutor’s office for its conduct in an Iran sanctions case that began under Bharara but mostly occurred under the Trump administration’s stewardship of the office starting with a 2018 indictment.

The judge spared few words for the misconduct she uncovered in the prosecution of Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad, accusing the office of “disclosure failures,” “misstatements” and “sweeping the Government’s repeated failures under the rug.” read more

8 Comments on Once deemed elite, U.S. attorney office Manhattan castigated for repeated abuses

  1. It’s pretty much a lawfare operation now, nothing elite about it. But they got Ghislaine Maxwell on ice, so there’s that.
    Oh, and they nailed Steve Bannon and company for trying to build da wall.

  2. Typical NYS operation, influenced by elected democrat officials. Voters love these criminals and keep electing them because no other names appear on ballots to pick from.

  3. This is where a comment is to be inserted that America’s institutions have turned to kaka, but meh,
    tomorrow’s announcements will certainly contain more of the same.


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