Once You Go Brit…? – IOTW Report

Once You Go Brit…?

Obama watchers have spotted daughter Malia chumming around with a new beau, Rory Farquharson. Some on Twitter aren’t taking her choice in boyfriend too well, however. Seems he’s a bit pale for their liking.

A bigger problem is Farquharson’s nation of origin. Her dad has a number of issues with The United Kingdom and a well-established loathing of the British. The holidays at the Obama’s just got a lot more interesting. Read Here


28 Comments on Once You Go Brit…?

  1. Isn’t Farquarson just a name that George on Seinfeld made up?

    Actually it’s better for the islamic empire that the UK remain in the EU. And that’s who obama really works for.

  2. I hope they get married, have kids, become registered Republicans, never visit her dad while he’s in jail, and enjoy the rest of their lives together out of the spot light. But hey, I’m a romantic.

  3. I imagine Rory will get along fine with the Obamas if he can just feign interest in the former president’s haranguing about how awful Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were and how much Obama model his own presidency on Neville Chamberlain and Anthony Eden.

  4. Well whaddya expect, when your great-grandma is a typically righty-whitey – afraid of her own shadow & black people?

    She should be glad her dad’s NOT black; imagine the uproar the media would be in if he was!

  5. If the black community truly cared about this then they would have had more to say about Stanley Ann, and would not have supported Junior.
    Nor would they tolerate so many black men today dating so many white women.
    But then again, inconsistency and duplicity are high moral values for many.

  6. There was a time in the South when all good rednecks would get pissed off at the sight of a white girl with a black boyfriend. Today, good ol’ boys don’t give it a second thought. Black girls, on the other hand, go ballistic at the sight of black boys with white girls. The times, they are a-changing!

  7. There ya go folks YannO is comfortable using the phrase white niggas that the late Sen Robert Byrd used drawing a lot of criticism. If it’s ok for YannO it ought to be ok for Big Daddy Robert Byrd. Down with double standards.

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