One Aussie Takes Out a Number of Pepper Spraying Covidian Police in One Short Sequence – IOTW Report

One Aussie Takes Out a Number of Pepper Spraying Covidian Police in One Short Sequence

They say the NFL is looking for this guy. Ha.

27 Comments on One Aussie Takes Out a Number of Pepper Spraying Covidian Police in One Short Sequence

  1. Probably John Sullivan’s new gig. Police officers were injured.
    So next it will be an INSURRECTION, followed by MARSHAL LAW.
    Increased police presents at all events.

  2. inspired amateur. that headbutt was no pro, a pro would take it with a shoulder, knowing it was a dumb move. inspired amateur makes it work anyway, but not not feel so good the next day.

  3. That’s nothing. I once took out an entire Roman Legion barehanded during the siege of Alesia, but all the other guys Vercingetorix had with him were wussy Frenchman, so he surrendered instead.

  4. General Mark Milley SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 AT 9:25 AM

    Ribbons were invented by Napolean for me to have something to show what a great guy I am, but I’m also a very humble man so I only wear them for VERY special freinds.

    Come over later, in makeup, and I’ll decide if you’re “special” enough for me to show you…

  5. English speakers of the world. All of our governments (Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada, USA) have turned on their own people. We need to destroy them and hang every single politician.

  6. Australia leading the world on how to return to the tribal life and wars of the past, America following suit right behind, Britain coming along for the ride…..Bringing back the Crusades, the Inquisions, Lawless massacres for any reason or no reason whatsoever…..Good Bye Civilization!! Good Bye America!!

  7. I am going to guess maybe some special forces training by the way he kept attacking from every direction. Either way a HERO and I hate to say it but I hope we never find out who you are unless the statue of limitations runs out. If they have that down under.


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