One Can Offer an Opinion Without Supporting the NFL – IOTW Report

One Can Offer an Opinion Without Supporting the NFL

There is some online controversy over a Dolphins game.

Fans Boo as Miami Dolphins Opt Not to Go for NFL Record-


Much to the disappointment of some very loud Miami Dolphins fans, the NFL team’s head coach says he chose good karma over setting an NFL record in Sunday’s game against the Denver Broncos. Up 70-20 over the Broncos at Florida’s Hard Rock Stadium as the game came to a close, the Dolphins could have gone for a field goal that, if successful, would have put the team at a total of 73 points. That’s one more than the 72 points Washington scored in a 1966 game to set the record for most points scored in a single regular-season game. Instead, coach Mike McDaniel told the backup quarterback to take a knee. As the clock ran out, fans booed that decision, USA Today reports.

After the game, McDaniel didn’t sound fazed. He said that trying to “squeeze an extra three [points]” to “chase” a record in a moment like that is “not what I’m about.” “The message I thought it would send wasn’t in line with how I view things,” he said. “I will be fine getting second guessed by turning down NFL records. That’s fine. I am very, very OK with the decision … That’s called karma, and I’m trying to keep good karma with the Miami Dolphins.”


I say go for the record.

27 Comments on One Can Offer an Opinion Without Supporting the NFL

  1. He should have taken the opportunity to stick it up Sean Payton and Russell Wilson’s ass. Sean Payton for paying his players to hurt the other team, Russell Wilson for being a phony among phony’s.

  2. I was hoping someone would post this. Of course, you go for the record. The coach’s reasons for not doing it were just ridiculous. You already put 70 on them, 3 more is not going to matter to them, but it matters to your team. They bust their ass, and could be part of history and you want to be magnanimous?

    In trying to do the right thing, he disrespected his team and their effort on the field. He made the wrong decision and i hope the Miami fans let him have it.

  3. Related, Mike McCarthy, head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, suspended a player on the spot for kneeling for the National Anthem.

    I hate the Cowboys, but applaud the gesture, you kneel, you sit.

  4. to add fuel to the fire, NFL Playoff tie-breaker procedures 9, 10 & 11 use NET POINTS as the tiebreaker

    soooooo … if the Dolphinks lose one of the tiebreakers by 3 or less points, someone’s gonna get run out of town on a rail!
    … & the rail is probably gonna be sticking out of his derriere

  5. … as far as I’m concerned, I don’t give flying fluck about it
    the Nation Felons League is nothing but a bunch of thugs & criminals let out on parole (or future parole) to amuse a certain portion of ‘society’ that conduct better fights in the stands than the players have on the field.

    Bread & Circuses baby, Bread & Circuses

  6. I( don’t know if the Dolphins are that good, but I assure you the Broncos are that bad….Russell Wilson is just mediocre without another Marshawn Lynch and a top ten of all time defense….

  7. My little brother played floor hockey as a youngster (5th – 6th grade). He had a great coach who didn’t believe it was sporting to trounce the other team with an embarrassingly excessive score over them. Taught my brother good sportsmanship.

    However, a 50 point lead as opposed to a 53 point lead seems like it’s gone beyond embarrassing. The time to be concerned about embarrassing the other team would have been at the 30ish point lead.

    Go for the three measly points and stop pretending you’re being magnanimous.

  8. I prefer class & dignity.

    I played on an extremely good hockey team as a Teen. A few friends were in the NHL.

    The BEST Coach I ever had in my life would tell us to “DON’T RUN UP THE SCORE” if we were really beating the other Team. “Just play like its a high speed practice.”

    His reasons were, “you wouldn’t like it if you were on the other end.” & “Show some Class.”

    I learned a lot from the Huge Imposing Beast of a man. He could kick a Metal garbage through a brick wall and tried!

    TIM BARKER – Coached 3 All Ontario Champ teams in a row. We Lost when they had a coup against him and 2 Parents Took over. Then everyone went their separate ways.

    Cheers Coach! wherever you are

  9. As a kid, my Grandpa taught me chess. He was good and he NEVER held back! I respected him for doing so, it was obvious to me. Then I started to beat him and the victories that I did get were sweet, and my grandfather was proud. Be honest and play true!

  10. Another long time Buffalo Bills fan here. Squish the fish! (Yeah, I know dolphins aren’t fish.) Hopefully Miami has gotten all that scoring out of their system for next weeks game against the Bills.

  11. Wild Bill, that should be the game of the week.
    Thing is, I’ve liked both the Bills & Dolphins at various times over the years.
    When Marino played I liked them.
    The 4 AFC Champion Bills I liked as well.
    That said, I pulled for Theisman & Riggins when the beat Miami in SB17…

  12. Doc,
    “My feeling toward the NFL have not changed since Sept. 2016 when that nappy headed commie bitch started the kneeling bullshit…


    I’ve quit watching them all. Last to go was NASCAR. Fuck the NFL, the NBA, and baseball. Don’t need the shit. Impress me with your skill, not your moral standing on why adults should have sex with children and it should be legal. I watch MMA and Boxing. Those peeps still seem to have a moral compass.

  13. I could care less about the NFL, no longer even remember the last time I watched an NFL game. So this is the first I’m hearing of this. I would have went for the record, you already ran the score up against them and they’re not kids. However, not going for the record is in line with the pussy league they have become.


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