One of my Favorite jab memes – IOTW Report

One of my Favorite jab memes

17 Comments on One of my Favorite jab memes

  1. And this insanity is sweeping the whole world!

    You’d think it would be confined to a few screwed-up places like NYC, LA, Chicago, Philly, Boston, DC … but Nooooooooooooooo

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I wrote here just about a week ago that clients, a couple I’d done work for two years ago. The women proudly declared that they were “all vaxxed up! Including the boosters!”. Then, in casual banter, she mentioned that her (very healthy) husband had undergone a “procedure” for his heart. Turned out he’d had a heart attack and had two stents put in (since being “all vaxxed up!”). In my comings and goings I noticed on their refrigerator an 11/21 “Covid 19 Test Result” for him. “Positive”

    Just last Thursday I found myself with some unexpected free time so I popped in on another couple I never get to see enough of. Both are about 70, but incredibly healthy; eat right, exercise, very active, no chronic disease, etc. He reported a blood clot in his lower leg and she announced that she’s been diagnosed with high blood pressure for the first time in her life! Both got the jabs this past year.

    Neither couple, the former a couple of libtards, the latter incurious conservatives (who don’t know it), opined ANY wonder about a correlation of their sudden and dire health conditions to their jabs!

    That’s three for four cases I now know personally of the effects of covid jabs.

  3. This is great! I would post it on Twitter but I got caught by the Twitter police for posting that all the deaths caused by covid (and not some other cause) could have been prevented by allowing Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to be used.

    Oh, well. I have 12 hours before my ‘time out sitting in the corner with a dunce cap’ ends.


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