One of the Best Cartoons of 2018 – IOTW Report

One of the Best Cartoons of 2018

This is so deliciously dismissive of the present day celebutards who think getting lucky with fame equates to wisdom that should be heeded.

13 Comments on One of the Best Cartoons of 2018

  1. If only those old white men were trully respected, admired, and held worthy by all Americans! Instead everybody’s concerned with Barry Obummatude and David Hogg’s view on immigration, gun control, faggotry, and social organizing for fun and profit.

  2. The leftist democrats have completely polluted society. That means that their goals necessarily cause harm to their fellow americans. For those out there trying to raise children in a decent environment are under bombardment by socialistic ideas that erode their quality of life and bring them closer to a poorer existence. Now we have openly socialist candidates being elected to office along with Muslims who dismiss the standards we’ve lived by for generations. The future looks grim and it’s because of our fellow americans.

  3. “The future looks grim and it’s because of our fellow americans.”
    “Americans,” my ass.

    What does it mean to be “American?” It means (in a nutshell, and we can open a philosophical argument – agreeing to disagree on particulars) “a citizen of the United States of America who supports and defends the Constitution (of the same).”

    That’s my working definition, more or less. Braying about America while doing everything possible to destroy her is NOT being an “American.”
    Holding elected or appointed office while doing everything possible to destroy her is NOT being an “American.”
    Babbling on television/radio/and in print while doing everything possible to destroy her is NOT being an “American.”
    Pretending to be human in front of a camera while doing everything possible to destroy her is NOT being an “American.”
    Pontificating from a podium while doing everything possible to destroy her is NOT being an “American.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. We had a Memphis state rep who recently attempted to rename our state capital airport after Oprah because she got her tv start here.

    It failed because there is a specific prohibition on naming the airport after a living person. Unlike high schools and highways in commie enclaves naming themselves after Obama before he was out of office.

    As one could imagine, the rejection didn’t sit in the back of the bus well. The airport administration is now racist and has a “long history of not hiring minorities”.

    The only good thing Oprah did for our state was to leave it. So, I guess the case for renaming some mode of transport after her could be made.

    Perhaps the Greyhound bus station. “You get molested in your sleep and you get molested…everybody gets molested!”

  5. I must be on a bad WiFi. No cartoon, but great images of Cher, a government check, Human Barbie doll, Maryann from Gilligan’s Island, a guy in line at the DMV, and a house some idiot built with a steep driveway.


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