One of the Left’s Police State Tactics is Shot Down in Court – IOTW Report

One of the Left’s Police State Tactics is Shot Down in Court

It’s depressing and aggravating to have to argue with dbag leftists on social media, ones that are salivating at the thought of a sitting president possibly being railroaded into resignation because of an investigation in search of a crime.

They are clueless as to how we got here with the Mueller investigation, nor do they care to educate themselves.

The left used unverified documents (ones paid for by the Hillary campaign, sold by a British guy, and originally fabricated by the Russian government – talk about Russian collusion) to fool a FISA court (violating the Woods Procedures) into allowing the surveillance and wiretapping of an American citizen, Donald J. Trump.

The left loves it. That’s because thuggish, fascist, unscrupulous tactics are in their DNA.

Meanwhile, a democrat in Massachusetts, district attorney Daniel F. Conley, defended his (police) state’s law that prohibits the recording of public officials. This is the same Conley that was a frontrunner for the Boston mayoral bid, only to see it all come down in flames after he became angry and unglued at a Townhall, claiming he was set up by the press.

Well, his case, Project Veritas v. Conley, one that sought to keep Massachusetts politicians (who are nearly all leftists) as opaque as possible and shrouded in a cloak of unaccountability, also went down in flames.

Let’s hope this is a precedent that will see other states fall in line with freedom of the press, transparency and political accountability.

O’Keefe is a name that is fast becoming an important one in the annals of history.

Read HERE.

ht/ all too much

8 Comments on One of the Left’s Police State Tactics is Shot Down in Court

  1. The judge looked at the allegation, then looked at the applicable laws, and came to a conclusion…instead of starting with the desired conclusion and then looking for applicable laws to mangle to get there (which happens far too often). How refreshing!

  2. “…starting with the desired conclusion and then looking for applicable laws to mangle to get there …”

    …you mean like Roberts does, @Uncle Al? I wonder what they HAVE on him, anyway, must be gooood…


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