One Tree – One Year – IOTW Report

One Tree – One Year

Extraordinary wildlife of the Apennines.

This is one popular tree.

12 Comments on One Tree – One Year

  1. Loved it. Of course I use trail cams all the time and I have quite a collection of special catches.

    I wonder why he selected that particular tree. Not any trail worn in. IE, one deer in the snow was leaving fresh tracks on crusted snow. That shows a lot of inactivity.

    But, for a full year, that wasn’t really that much activity.

    I get 6-12 visitors a night at some jobs. My most recent favorite keeper was a squirrel that seemed to pose for the camera. Perfectly centered, front legs up on a loose brick, looking into the camera, lifts one front leg and freezes for a few seconds.

    Often it’s educational. I saw the rivalry between two skunks play out and how they act towards each other. Fascinating. At the same job I saw one raccoon teach another how to flip the traps to get the cat food out of them – the student had been digging under the traps to get what food fell through and a lame female limped into the picture and just flipped one. I was a student too, though. I had put bottoms on those traps after watching them dig. The flipper was another twist I wasn’t ready for. Oh my! The language Raccoons have!

  2. Wonderful stuff, thanks. Refreshing break from political Crazy Human Tricks.

    Raccoons are just fascinating. Amazing problem solving skills. I watched a big wise old male Houdini release himself from a HavaHart trap by using a stick tool.

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