One Tribe’s Environmental Nightmare Is Another Tribe’s Pay Day – IOTW Report

One Tribe’s Environmental Nightmare Is Another Tribe’s Pay Day

Enbridge Energy Partners have been negotiating with the tribes in northern Wisconsin to renew the easement of their pipelines through their reservations.

The Bad River Tribe, on Lake Superior, called on Enbridge to remove their pipeline from their lands this January. “As many other communities have experienced, even a minor spill could prove to be disastrous for our people” stated Tribal Chairman Robert Blanchard.


The Lac Courte Oreille Tribe proudly announced this week that they came to a 25 year lease agreement allowing Enbridge to operate two of its pipelines across 3.5 miles of reservation land for $59 million. “These pipelines have been on our land for a long time and we saw a unique opportunity to exercise our sovereignty,” said LCO Chairman Louis Taylor.


Seems like everyone got what they wanted.

14 Comments on One Tribe’s Environmental Nightmare Is Another Tribe’s Pay Day

  1. Reminds me of a few years ago when Puerto Rico wanted to end the naval exercises in the area. They got commie fuckwits like Danny Glover to tell the Yankees to go home. When the exercises ended, so did the millions of dollars in funds to PR, the navy had no reason to be in the area.

  2. The Bad River Tribe is going to bleed the federal, state and local governments of cash to remove the pipelines, do studies etc etc etc. Most of the money will likely disappear into the pockets of the chiefs and their families and a few years down the the road they’ll be clamoring for more money and demanding complete autonomy for the tribe except, of course, for money. Idiots.

  3. Curious as to what monies they were receiving before this. If it wasn’t in the millions, then I understand – no loss, really. If it was anything close to what the new tribe gets, then kudos to you guys for having the integrity to stop the gravy train for upholding your standards.

    I can’t help but laugh at the lack of integrity of the two libtards I know that toe the line on Climate change yet keep cashing the checks of their investments in oil companies. They stop arguing when I ask them if they have divested themselves of what they think is the problem. I make sure they know – ‘No? Ok then. By your logic – YOU are the problem. Why are you killing the planet for your own riches?’ (you faux-righteous asshole)

  4. It Looks like the money shortage in PR, is one they brought on themselves. They move from American citizens to parasitic bastards. Plus the Hundreds of millions in debt they are.Congress really overstepped their authority by making them American citizens!

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