Only In Seattle: Mayor wants ‘all-gender’ restrooms – IOTW Report

Only In Seattle: Mayor wants ‘all-gender’ restrooms


King5TV SEATTLE – Public places in Seattle would have to re-label single-occupant restrooms as all-gender under a proposal by Mayor Ed Murray. The move is meant to give people who identify as transgender, or who don’t conform to a specific gender, a safe place to use the restroom.

“The transgender community deserves the dignity and respect that most people take for granted,” said Murray in a statement. “That’s why Seattle is building upon our history of being one of the most welcoming cities in the world by ensuring restrooms are available and safe for all.”

Murray said the proposal is a recommendation from his LGBT task force.

If passed, the legislation would require all city-controlled and privately-operated public places to designate single-occupant restrooms as all-gender. It would mean eliminating signs for “men” and “women.”

The Seattle Office of Civil Rights would enforce the code.


Terrific. Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong with this concept. Right? Right. *head*desk*

14 Comments on Only In Seattle: Mayor wants ‘all-gender’ restrooms

  1. I took my kids swimming at the YMCA and there is a family locker room / bathroom. You can see tits, cock, little boys and girls, all wrapped up together. I was suckered into it once with my boys, they like it better than the men’s room since the facilities on the inside are actually more private, where they felt more comfortable changing in a stall instead of in the locker isles. I felt like a nutjob in there though since we’re all men… we went in the men’s room from then on. Hell if they want to force this behavior.

  2. Why does Seattle need a law mandating this? For single occupant restrooms, just pass a law making it permissible for businesses to designate single occupant restrooms as all-gender, and these businesses can do so or not.

    But I doubt that many businesses would elect to designate such restrooms as all gender facilities because most of the customers would object. So once again Seattle is catering to a very small minority of fucked up people who can’t decide if they should buck genetics and biology or not.

  3. So that means if they do the same here in the Un-Constitution State of Connecticut, I’ll have to accompany my wife, daughters and granddaughters to the rest rooms. Ain’t NO WAY I would let them go in there alone.

    We are truly circling the drain and picking up speed. My advise is to buy more ammo and get in lots of range time.

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