Oomph – IOTW Report


Tea Party –

CHRIS WALLACE: How do we stop the violence?


KARL ROVE: I wish I had an easy answer for that, but I don’t think there’s an easy answer. Now maybe there’s some magic law that will keep us from having more of these. I mean basically the only way to guarantee that we will dramatically reduce acts of violence involving guns is to basically remove guns from society, and until somebody gets enough “oomph” to repeal the Second Amendment, that’s not going to happen.


ht/ Bad Brad

Uhh, Karl. Removing the second amendment does not remove guns from society. But thanks for giving the left the notion that repealing the right to bear arms will lead to the end of gun violence in America.

31 Comments on Oomph

  1. Why do you think they’re trying so hard to remove God from our society. The Bill of Rights are, “natural” or; God given rights. Remove God, no Bill of Rights, & no 2nd Amendment to guarantee the others.


  2. What kind of lame-logic libertarian shit is that??

    Tell you what, K-Hole, why don’t you let that steaming POS who just retired from SCOTUS employ HIS individual liberties and add his five precious words to the 2nd Amendment “while SERVING in the militia” – you know, cuz we’ll ALL be S A F E R that way

  3. Here’s some numbers that Turn Coat should have written on his little board this morning. California has the most total guns per state at 33,000,000. Texas has a respectable 22,330,000, Florida 16,700,000. This one surprised me, New York 17,200,000.
    These are 2010 number and do not include unregistered 80% product that was huge in California. I know guys that built up 10 and 12 each and have them buried up in the National Forrest in air tight containers.
    I don’t think doing away with the 2nd is going to happen Carl.


  4. You know what, Roving for a brain, YOU turn in your guns and anyone protecting you. Tell me how that works for you if you’re still alive in, oh, say, two weeks.

  5. Why does he so condescendingly use that STUPID board? Is it where he keeps his brain?

    This man repulses me like the picture of a python that just ate a person, would. Rove is eating America and it isn’t a pretty picture.

    Let’s see; write, ‘R.I.P’ on your little board and use it as the headstone for your dead brain. Then get lost!

  6. You can hear a very loud “oomph” if you put your gun-grabbing ear up to the barrel crown of my .357 mag.
    Those Hercules 2400 hand loads throw a prog-purifying flame that will immediately change your mind. The real Hope&Change. Hope you have life insurance, and change to a horizontal position about six feet lower than where you currently stand.

    Come and take it, faggot.

  7. His apologists are all over Facebook claiming he “didn’t say the 2nd Amendment should be repealed.”

    Well, that’s technically true, but he did say that’s the only way to solve the problem of gun violence. He’s an idiot. He’s always been an idiot, even long ago when he was having a modest amount of success in politics. STFU, you idiot.

  8. Eeew, you said Faggot, I’m telling.

    I don’t sweat have most of my guns registered. I figure when the shit breaks loose they’ll be too busy to keep track anyway. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a few that are not registered.

  9. Instead of discussing the tragedy of a bloated Welfare State that creates millions of households with delinquent dads and Ritalin-filled boys raised by single moms — Rove talks about guns.
    Great move, Karl………

  10. +100 on pam’s comment.

    Why don’t they talk about the ssri drugs and the sociopathic/nihilistic video games and movies that are inevitably a part of these situations??

  11. Oh, please. I can’t be the only one who recognizes that “the problem of gun violence” does not have a solution? Human nature clearly includes violent behavior of two types: unprovoked aggression (bad), and defensive violence (good) against the bad. As long as our nature includes bad people, and that looks like forever, there will be violence. I’d much rather defend myself with a gun than with a rock or a sharp stick.

  12. Idiots like Rove think that the Bill of Rights grants rights to the people. All it does is enumerate rights that belong to men as an inherent part of their humanity. God granted those rights, and only God has authority to rescind them, and that, he will not do.

  13. Progressives like Rove would betray their own mothers if it advances their goals of controlling every aspect of society. They are empty and twisted and it’s disgusting. Rove knows full well what chaos it would create for this country if the second amendment was removed. All he cares about is being a kingpin and it doesn’t matter if the government is corrupt or not.

  14. That’s one of the most fundamental distinctions between conservatives and liberals. Conservatism is premised on the biblical notion that Man is corrupted by sin, and the best we can hope for in our manmade institutions is mitigation (but never elimination) of this sinfulness. Liberalism is premised on the humanistic notion that Man is perfectible through proper ordering and management of society. They’ll fill gulags and mass graves in pursuit of that Utopia which they assure us is just around the corner.

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