Operation Thunderbolt – IOTW Report

Operation Thunderbolt

Lessons From History: Stuck at the Airport

2 Comments on Operation Thunderbolt

  1. I really enjoy Jesse Kelly’s show in podcast form. The first segment is always a lesson from history and they are always fascinating. He doesn’t concentrate on a particular period but jumps from the time of Alexander and Hannibal to Genghis Khan to Stonewall Jackson to this story about the Israeli Commando raid to free the hostages at Entebbe. Often the lessons from these stories are beautifully tied into our modern political situation. The rest of his program is equally well done political commentary.

    If you don’t have time for the entire show, try to catch this first segment. And since it’s available as a podcast you can listen at your convenience. He also does a daily TV segment but, as listeners will testify, he’s just so doggone handsome, it’s hard to follow the stories.


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