Opponent Challenges Warren To Take DNA Test – IOTW Report

Opponent Challenges Warren To Take DNA Test

Just a quick swab of the cheek and we can clear up the whole question of Elizabeth Warren’s ancestry.  That’s what V.A. Shiva, Warren’s republican opponent for her Senate seat, wants the sitting senator to do when he suggest she uses the services of 23andMe to test her DNA.



17 Comments on Opponent Challenges Warren To Take DNA Test

  1. Bet they find a Nazi in-the-woodpile. That’s what the blond, blue-eyed, Aryan woman is probably hiding.

    Grandpa had a Death’s Head, not high cheekbones.

  2. Actually I bet it’s already been done. I’m sure she’s left cups, forks, tissues around and just fish one up and have a friend at the lab. It may not be terribly ethical but if the chain of possession is established and she tried to cheat then the real results could be dropped on her and a Republican could win.

  3. She probably wants to do it, but cannot. it would deeply offend her ancestors to do so. the shovel just keeps getting better and bigger, and he spoke and mirror.

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