Oprah For President – IOTW Report

Oprah For President

Lying about her homosexuality is not a good start.

I haven’t seen this “historic speech.”

Here it is–>


Oprah Winfrey for president was something of a running theme throughout the Golden Globes on Sunday, beginning with Seth Meyers’ opening monologue. He jokingly forbade Winfrey from considering the presidency.

But the trend picked up steam as the night unfolded, particularly after Winfrey’s impassioned acceptance speech for the Cecil B. DeMille Award.

It didn’t take long for social media, and celebs in particular, to rally Winfrey for the job, including inside the ceremony.

“It’s up to the people,” Winfrey’s longtime partner, Stedman Graham, told The Times. “She would absolutely do it.”

Gayle King, Winfrey’s best buddy, echoed Graham’s sentiments: “I thought that speech was incredible. I got goosebumps,” she also told The Times.

Eva Longoria and Keith Urban shared a table at the ceremony and gushed over Winfrey’s remarks.

“That speech!” Longoria said.

“It was more of an exultation,” Urban replied.

Alan F. Horn, chairman of the Walt Disney Studios, was equally impressed.

“She knows how to deliver it too,” Horn remarked. “She’s really emotional.”

59 Comments on Oprah For President

  1. Wow… I was moved to … to… lift a cheek and fart.
    This speech is presidential?
    On what grounds?

    It’s all over the map, conflating racism and civil rights with abuse of women at the hands of Hollywood power players.

    It’s a stupid speech for stupid people.

  2. I hate the expression “Speaking Truth to Power” that keeps getting used to the point of a cliche. Oprah, herself, is not about truth. Her truth, as it seems, can be fabricated at times (according to her relatives). She is more about emotional heart tugging rather than objectively seeking “truth” and in some case, like journalists today, the believe in things that have a ring of truth rather than things substantiated by facts.
    Her run for office would be identity politics at its finest. She’ll be a lock with LGBT’s, Hispanics, 97.5% of the black vote (I’m hedging on 2.5% having some sort of sanity), weak Beta males, Progressives and of course women.
    If she wins, I’ll lay odds that Putin takes out Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary in her first hundred days.

  3. Keep that scrunt okrah down south where her democratic freeends with the pointy white hats can take especial care of that fat degenerate fucking cow.

    That was nice, right?🤓

  4. I haven’t watched TV for year, and I could watch that video for 2 minutes, as I got nauseous. What a bunch of insufferable people!

    @ChristianPDX, I’m what is considered “Hispanic” and I swear I’d never, ever vote for Oprah. And I know many like me who wouldn’t even consider voting for her, either.

    Lord, have mercy.
    We need to keep praying for our nation!

  5. OK say she runs and wins-whose with me to knit up a bunch of purple penis hats and march on Washington-burn some cars, break glass windows at Starbucks and recite some nasty poetry…

    Bueller? … Bueller?

  6. “I’m what is considered “Hispanic””

    Nah. you’re considered a patriot. Interesting things going on. Be sure and watch Trump on the 17th. Could be something real special.

  7. Absolutely no way in Hell. The democraps are totally delusional and out of their friggin minds to even think to try to elect this dumb broad. Wasn’t hellary bad enough, this dim bulb isn’t qualified for anything but bring in the stupid, full of white guilt sucker vote and dumb ass blacks and illegal beaners and felons etc.

  8. This is for real. The left is determined to shoehorn a woman into the white house. They don’t care. The debates between the two of them would be her saying “Oh no you di’it”!

  9. I never understood the appeal of that tub of shit. She’s managed to learn how to tug on the emotional strings of bored housewives like a skilled street hustler but that’s about it.

  10. Why doesn’t she take her califlower-potato mix and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

    Another person of questionable sexuality, ethics, morals, and left-looniness. Go away. Never would I vote for you.

  11. It will be long time before Americans elect another Democrat Black president. BHO was just too toxic, and he will be exposed as the most damaging administration ever. The truth will see sunlight. Only the mentally ill will still worship him.

  12. Just like Mooch, Oprah will never be white so she should stop trying. 50lbs of hair straightener aint gonna cut it sweetie. I highly recommend the Oprah South Park episode, its classic!

  13. So all the sexually depraved men and women of Hollyweird gathered in one place wearing black to celebrate their own deviant and disgusting behavior and to laud the fact that the world is now fully aware of their vile proclivities!

  14. Every woman that attended and received a yellow piece of junk is a sexual abuser and user of her sex to get what she wanted in that vile industry of cruds!

  15. I see this more as the death knell for liberals. You are so low on talent you’ve deluded yourself to think the country will vote for Oprah because of a Golden Globe speech?! Can’t wait to hear Trump’s pet name for Oprah.

  16. This is it? the best they got?
    Last election the Repubs had 17 men and women – all qualified, all well known for what they stand for. A entertainer who happens to be wealthy – that’s who they think the voters like.
    They just don’t get it, don’t get why Trump was elected.

  17. We already had a President just because he was (half) black.
    Libs think Trump is just a celebrity, and that’s why he won.
    What makes them think they can double down on the old and tried? Because it’s a woman? They tried that and it didn’t work the last two times.

  18. Typical Hollyweird crap. Questions?
    Who got her the gig?
    Who wrote her little speech?
    Who directed her on how to act it out?
    Who dressed her?
    Who painted her face?
    “Fake NEWs”

  19. Vietvet
    “congratulations on being the 200,000th commenter on Knuckledraggin’:”

    You know the funny thing is I think I’ve commented there 4 times in the last year. What are the odds?

    Kenny comes up with some funny stuff.

  20. Nothing from the left-win is real

    It’s a FAKE reality with FAKE spin. As Chicago / Baltimore / Detroit turn into a 3rd-World hell-hole due to their policies, they prop it up with ridiculous spin, “Detroit is safer than it’s been in 10 years!” –How? All the murderers killed each other finally?

    Welfare, abortion, homosexuality, –you name it, it’s a miserable FRAUD run by the “Father of Lies” -Satan himself.
    🔴 The go into hysterics to trash someone,
    🔴 and they go into hysterics to over-praise someone who is a black, female, homosexual (Bonus! Triple minority!)

    They know the public won’t pay any attention unless they sensationalize everything that comes out of their mouth, good or bad. It’s an evil false reality lead by evil false value-less people.

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