optical illusions – IOTW Report

optical illusions


Would you believe that the tops of each space are equal in length?

ScreeShot 2016-04-22 at 9.33.34 PM

Would you believe that c is the shortest line?27

Would you believe that the 2 thick horizontal lines are actually straight?


Would you believe that the width of the two circles at the top would fit perfectly between the 2 circles on the bottom, just touching left and right?CgpFdJuWIAA74mm

Would you believe that these 2 squares are the same size?

Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 9.27.42 PM

Would you believe the two arrows on the left would fit perfectly into the space between the right arrow and the middle arrow, with points touching?


Well you must believe in global warming, because none of the above is true.

Don’t blindly believe what you see on the internet. Do research. Verify claims.

29 Comments on optical illusions

  1. Adds seem to be getting a lot better to me. This place works a lot better on my phone than it ever has. Maybe you’ve gotta a problem on your end. Far as I’m concerned Somebodies done a good job.

  2. Great thought Brad, but it’s really the ad blocking that is going to put an end to mid-level sites such as these.
    It’ll be nothing but Daily Caller, The Blaze, Breitbart, etc.,
    They are the only ones that can absorb the freeloading reader.

  3. What do we need to do? Neither one of us is a quitter. If we need to suffer with adds I can tell you every one here will do it. Adversity into opportunity my freind. Wada ya need? Let’s get it done.

  4. The reader has no responsibility other than to enjoy what we provide.
    The responsibility is on us to keep people interested in content.

    The only thing I ask is to not openly discuss in the comments ways to put us out of business.
    I mean, what the hell?
    Right in front of me the guy is telling others how to end iOTW.

    How about everybody use ad blocker? Why limit it to the freeloaders? I can shut down tonight.

  5. LBS,
    I had to dump my entire ad suppliers 2 weeks ago because they were getting very comfortable and they were exploiting us and denying doing anything wrong.
    We took on a new consultant that retooled everything from top to bottom.

    Starting from scratch means getting at the back of the line until you prove to ad buyers that you’re worthy.
    So, I am suffering from a lack of confidence that we will ever get back to where we were.
    So, I’m a bit on edge.

  6. I had a WW II dad. They spout shit like “In for a penny in for a pound”‘ or “There’s no such thing as backing out of a flight son”. I use to roll my eyes a lot. Then one day a couple months before he died I read this article on Forbes. Why so many WWII vets were successful in business. Bottom line was most had been shot at so fuck you. You are being shot at FUR. I’m thinking you have more friends than you think though.

  7. BFH, I hope it all works out because this is by far my favorite site on the internet.
    I always come here first.
    I am never censored.
    I can post incessantly.
    I have never been banned. 🙂
    (Don’t ever turn over that responsibility to AA)

    Seriously, the regulars here all remember the transition from iowntheworld, and the transition from providers or whatever.

    We are a part of this and want it to succeed.

    We have faith in all the folks running iotw.

    You will continue to skewer ass and take names. 🙂

  8. I admit, the ads ran me off cause, every time I was here they would lock my computer up, had to clear history and restart.
    Super glad you fixed it Mr. Hat.
    Wondering, with all the BLM stuff, what happened to Talcum X?
    Shaun King have him popped for stealing his schtick?

  9. When I first came here the ads that would pop up really slowed down my computer (I’ve now upgraded to a bitchin’ hard drive so no problem now.) I voiced my concern to BigFurHat but he nicely explained to me that those ads helped support the site and brought in revenue. I had NO clue about that was how things helped fun the site so I immediately changed my settings that I had just shortly changed to block ads and my mild irritation went away because I could sit through an ad loading if it meant to keep this site above ground. I know. I’ve dealt with much worse things in life. I would avoid Breitbart because that site froze up my computer every time I got on because their ads took so damn long to load.

    I would like to donate to the IOTWReport cause. Bad Brad and Loco have a great idea.

    BigFurHat. Could we all send a letter of recommendation to your new ad provider? ?

  10. And I just saw an ad here about Puerto Rico with two dudes about to kiss in the background (I know that wasn’t hand-picked. LOL!). I can sit through that too for the greater good. The things I do for you BugFurHat and Company.
    Where are my IOTWReport bucks?

  11. I’m computer capable but an illiterate imbecile of computer knowledge….when IOTWreport was starting to misfunction for me I started doing research like the 1952 8n Ford tractor mechanic that I sort of em….the short of it is that we all pick up crap at different websites that will make this website slower and fail at times…It’s all based on the ad suppliers….I quit going to one website (no, it didn’t have anything to do with midgets) and the problems at IOTW slowed down, now they’re gone….My biggest question is and will be….why do these ad suppliers think that when they screw up our internet experience we would EVER buy one of their advertised products?….ANSWER, they’ll always vote for a someone named Hillary….

  12. Dear BFH, I have been a loyal reader for many years. I do not comment much, but I check in many times a day. This is one of my favorite sites. I don’t know how ads generate revenue for bloggers and I am very sorry I use an ad blocker. I had been having problems with many websites loading and found that was the answer. I am sorry I am sick to damn death of being bombarded by ads everywhere; radio, television, cable on demand and the internet. I was about to unlock my adblock for you, when I read you think people like me are “freeloading readers”. Wow. I guess I should stop going to the library, too. So what if I am? I will not be guilted into being force-fed ads and I am sorry if I was under the apparently wrong assumption that site traffic was a plus for bloggers as well.

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