Oregon: Portland couple with six-figure salary struggles to find home to meet their budget – IOTW Report

Oregon: Portland couple with six-figure salary struggles to find home to meet their budget


Despite their combined six-figure income, the homeownership dream has soured for young Americans Laura and Samuel Graves, who are left with little choice but to build their family in a suburban Portland apartment as they patiently search for a home that suits their budget.

“We refuse to become ‘house-poor’ and, like many others, are choosing to sit it out until the housing market is reasonable again,” Laura, who works as a financial analyst, told Business Insider in an article published Sunday.

Combined with her husband’s salary as an electrician, the couple pull in approximately $250,000 a year. According to the report, they’re hoping to keep their monthly mortgage payment around $3,000, but most homes they’re eyeing exceed that by approximately $2,000 on average. They’ve also claimed to stifle retirement savings and childcare costs to help their situation. more

16 Comments on Oregon: Portland couple with six-figure salary struggles to find home to meet their budget

  1. Why would you buy a house in that sh*thole of a city?
    Escape while you can. Don’t make that kind of monetary investment till the city/state/country gets it mind right.

    For Pete’s sake.

  2. Ask them what they’re driving. I will almost guarantee you he’s driving a Ford F250 Diesel he paid 100K for and she’s driving a Eurotrash car worth about the same. Both financed for 72 months. Most young people are stoooopid. Really stupid.

  3. My wife’s cousin moved to OR to a small town away from Portland. Ah,the quiet peace of a hamlet nestled in the forest!

    But recently they moved again because Russian and Asian gangs had set up in the town and turned it into a shooting gallery.

  4. Oregon (Portland area) is a beautiful state – with misty, not rainy, not humid weather ten months a year; the bottoms of the clouds are so low that almost everybody (except midgets) have to walk hunched over to avoid having their heads in the clouds (no problem since most of the Portland people usually walk around with their heads up their …)
    For two months during the summer the humidity drops alsot to zero and the sun comes out with a vengeance and brings daytime temps above 90 – haying, since the grass, even with watering, is yellow begins July 4th.
    Downtown, which used to be an area you could walk anytime day or night without a care, has now become as safe as downtown Chicago.
    An electrician can carry his tools and skill with him anywhere
    My advice is to look for a home there, I mean anywhere else but Portland; at least until the ethos changes and normal people take over running it again.

  5. Here’s a hint: if there is a TV show which is set in your city, you might want to move. It was probably headed towards becoming a shit-hole-/and you knew it—before the TV show came. All the TV show will do is romanticize the decay, ignore the corruption and whitewash the crime into “vibrance”. And then a million fools will decide to move there.

    So find someplace nice but unhip which doesn’t brag about the famous stars and directors you might see on the streets. You’re a lot less likely to see Starbucks and derelicts. And don’t obsess over the public schools. In the long run, you’ll be educating your kids anyway.

  6. @ Thirdtwin
    I’ve been noticing that a lot of “developers” look around for quiet, peaceful small cities with a college/university, put some friends on the city council (or pay), and start building high-density units, usually small, 3-6 floor apartment buildings; first nearby the educational institute, then expanding to the downtown area. Within 10 to 20 years, the city is no longer walkable at night.

  7. Oregon is just one of many beautiful places ruined by progressives. I would still be living there if they hadn’t wrecked the place. Ever since cheat (vote) by mail was instituted, democrats have been a majority/super-majority party. We are visiting Colorado; another stunningly beautiful state that democrats have ruined.

  8. Be patient. Somewhere in Portland a principled conservative couple is going to realize Portland will never get any better and decide they can’t take it any longer. They’ll gladly sell their home at the break-even point just to get the hell out of there. Buy their house, fools. Every damn time we go into Portland it looks worse. There is no hope for Portland. Those who vote for a living outnumber those who work for a living. Those who contribute to society are moving out, being replaced by those who take from society. Portland is a scum magnet. Portland’s politicians pander to parasites and piss off producers.

  9. Unfortunately it’s not just Portland; it’s the entire l-5 corridor from Eugene to Salem to Portland. And the cancer is spreading south. Our little corner of Southern Oregon went from solid red to purple to blue in 20 years.

  10. First, that couple is delusional. Oregon is a beautiful, but failed state, which can be said for any state where part of the inhabitants want to secede. With that income they could live in a fairly upscale area in my state, and have plenty of options.

  11. Make greater Idaho a new state all the way to Hood River. I’m extremely grateful that I never moved back to Portland after I got out of the Navy 49 years ago. I thought about it long enough to know that it would’ve been a big mistake and have stayed in Spokane nearly all of my life. Eastern Oregon and particularly in the Wallowa valley is some of the most beautiful country in the entire U.S. It’s no wonder that Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce considered that to be a paradise before the US Army kicked them out of there in the 1870’s.

  12. Mortgage calculator calls bullshit. They have to be looking at the top price range for the area, have less than ideal credit scores and no down payment. Without seeing their budget, I would guess that if they send the kids to summer camp, they spend their money eating out, taking high dollar vacations.


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