Oregon: Portland Police Bureau Could Be Facing ‘Mass Exodus’ – IOTW Report

Oregon: Portland Police Bureau Could Be Facing ‘Mass Exodus’

Gateway Pundit:

Antifa-Controlled Portland Police Bureau Faces Mass ‘Exodus’ As 50+ Officers Quit Over Insane and Dangerous Far Left Policies.

As Portland trends further and further from Democrat to Marxist, the rank-and-file officers of the Portland Police Bureau have been put in the unenviable position of being ordered by the mayor to cater to the far left protesters and rioters like Antifa.

At the same time the officers also face a more and more irate public, angry at the police bureau’s propensity for ceding the city to the protesters on a regular basis.

The latest shocker? The city council is consulting with a Baltimore based Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson to strategize over how the next police contract should be written.

The Oregonian reports:

Staff for Portland Commissioners Jo Ann Hardesty and Chloe Eudaly met Thursday with national Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson to strategize over the city labor contract with the Portland police officers’ union, an official in Hardesty’s office said.

Mckesson, 33, met with the officials as part of his work managing Campaign Zero, a group that reviews police union contracts nationwide and points out what it says are policies that shield officers from accountability for misconduct.

The official in Hardesty’s office said Mckesson gave “a detailed presentation about policing, contracts, accountability and their relationship to violence.”

Also present at the meeting were members of the Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice and Police Reform, a faith-based group seeking greater police oversight.

Baltimore-based Mckesson wears many hats: Civil rights activist, author, podcast host and one-time mayoral candidate, among other work. He was in Portland on Wednesday for a taping of his podcast, Pod Save the People, for which Hardesty was a guest. Hardesty’s office asked him to extend his trip to give a briefing on the police contract, the official said.

Mckesson tweeted his take on Thursday’s meeting to his more than 1 million Twitter followers, saying he led a talk with “activists and advocates” to “discuss avenues for structural change.”

This has all culminated in what one inside source calls an “exodus” of officers who are retiring early, transferring to a different agency, or otherwise leaving the bureau.

33 Comments on Oregon: Portland Police Bureau Could Be Facing ‘Mass Exodus’

  1. Heart goes out to courageous, dedicated Portland cops. THEY ARE PHUKT. Although no one knows for sure it’s extremely unlikely the cops will ever be protected by their Chain of Command. The Chief? Pffffft. Black woman from Oakland. The Mayor is in way over his head. Even the gays ridicule him. MSM, city and county government agencies all united against the Police. DA, Jury pool pro ANTIFA. City’s wealthy Jewish power brokers? Far leftists. Academia, Law, Unions blindly support cop hating democrats. Poor cops, they are so screwed. Keep them in your prayers.

  2. I can’t believe it’s not the majority of citizens leading the exodus.

    Apparently, the citizens of Portland accept and encourage the actions of their immoral, corrupt mayor.

  3. Why will it matter? Really. How can anyone in Portland tell whether or not they have a police force? They’ve been told not to arrest law breakers.

    Could you or I “occupy” a public park for a couple of months? How about take over a public street or intersection and redirect traffic? Or use a deadly weapon while preventing someone from exercising their civil rights?

  4. The city I grew up in (Portland) would never have allowed this. I once had a quick trip to jail for moving a no parking sign so we could park to go to a concert at the Rose Garden.

  5. Time to go rooftop Korean shopkeeper.
    “Ready on the left?”
    “The left is ready”
    “Ready on the right?”
    “The right is ready”
    “Ladies and gentlemen, the range is now “hot”. I say again, the range is “hot”. Fire for effect, fire for effect”.


    🔶 The police are predatory, and armed collection agents for the mayor’s budget, giving people police records that make them ineligible for police work. Less talented pool of candidates.

    🔶 The police have ALWAYS been perfectly willing to enforce illegal attacks on our rights and Constitution if the corrupt political scumbags pass a state law over-riding our rights.

    🔶 The people VOTED FOR CHAOS. They like not having all these pesky rules, “Do as thou wilt.”

    🔶 The public outsourced their personal protection to a unionized government 3rd party long ago, instead of reserving their 2nd Amendment rights and self-protection for themselves.


    If the police refuse to shake-down the public for money, and just be available for serious crimes and moving violations, protect our rights, then I’m ALL for the police. They aren’t.

    If the government supported law and order, and was a higher level of security in protecting our rights, I would be ALL for government. They aren’t.

    Together, you have 2 entities that are shamelessly abusive and they generally both want the public disarmed in case they all get sick of being abused.

    Now the abusive government is abusing the abusive police, in favor of the abusive left-wing fascists? Ha! Sorry guys, no sympathy for you. Try being a commoner and run through your Legal Industrial Complex and see how it feels for a while.


  7. I’m posting this here because it’s kinda related and thought you guys would get a kick out of what Ngo’s lawyer promised antifa in return for having assaulted her client:

    “Goodnight everyone except Antifa criminals who I plan to sue into oblivion and then sow salt into their yoga studios and avocado toast stands until nothing grows there, not even the glimmer of a violent criminal conspiracy aided by the effete impotence of a cowed city government.
    — Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) July 1, 2019”

    Read the rest: https://www.dailywire.com/news/49028/lawyer-journalist-beaten-during-portland-riot-amanda-prestigiacomo

  8. Any person in a public place with a mask on, should be arrested.
    That will never happen and we will have to suffer. But if your car inspection sticker expires one day, you will be fined big time. That is revenue for the nearly broke villages, towns, and cities.
    But not to worry, soon every thing will be free. Everything.
    I’m so glad I’m on the back nine. I think we will never recover. God Bless Donald Trump, he gave it a shot. He has too many enemies.
    So sad. God Bless him and America.

  9. When Communists control the government, they also control elections. “Wealthy Jewish power brokers.” (George Soros for one) It is what they have always done to subvert a country throughout the centuries. Trying to get results that are moral, ethical, and Constitutional in elections is often not possible. Just because a state’s political system is rotten to the core does not mean all residents of a state, city, or area want it that way. Just as most Americans do not want the rotten mess in D.C. either. If the honorable Americans could take D.C. over, wouldn’t non-Communists want that?

    A look at the Jewish billionaires controlling American politics
    23 May 2015
    posted by Gordon
    “No doubt unintentionally, The Forward article revealed just how big of a scam democracy actually is in practice. Jewish billionaires essentially have a lock on the democratic political process, especially at the highest levels, institutionalized in America. Yet, Americans view democracy in sacrosanct terms. The concept and nature of democracy cannot be questioned or critically examined, no matter how obviously destructive and subversive it is.

    The people who control the mass media and massive amounts of capital – organized Jewry and their traitorous, corrupt non-Jewish lackeys – control democracy. It is they who decide who rules, what political and cultural issues are important, and what public policies decisions (both domestically and in a foreign policy context) are pursued, most certainly not “the people”.”

  10. Abigail. They have knocked the fight out of me. Sorry. It’s up to the young people now. And they don’t seem to give a shit. I can’t see a John Adams anywhere. Imagine AOC and Ilham Omar running our Congress, and the likes of Nadler and Schiff and many others in cahoots? I just can’t take it.
    But President Trump is an amazing man. God love him.

  11. cant imagine how a police force could lower its standards. You’re giving weapons to people with lesser standards? Bad enough that we give them power to execute, shackle, restrain. We must have moral people doing that, not shitheads.

  12. Things are going to get a lot worse before they have a chance to get better, jellybean. The next financial crisis will trigger it. And that crisis can not be avoided now.

    But to read some comments here over the years, apparently, Conservatives like us are holding that up. I don’t believe that. When the time is right to fight – or to rebuild – I think Americans will do the right thing. And if the population shrinks in the process, so be it. In the meantime, we hold on to our civility and hope.

  13. This has all culminated in what one inside source calls an “exodus” of officers who are retiring early, transferring to a different agency, or otherwise leaving the bureau.

    But, but, but!

    I was told that Good™ government workers, Honest™ government workers, workers of Integrity™ — were enslaved. Like millions of Oath Keeping™ Tobys. Forced to work against their wills. Until the corrupt foremen could be removed by corrupt fore… I mean, removed by the corrupt massa… I mean, uh, Then A Miracle Happens™!

    People quitting jobs they find morally repugnant? Refusing to commit what they know are abominations? Just for a pay check? Why, that’s… that’s… MADNESS!

  14. Those aren’t police officers in Portland. Police officers enforce laws. Those are mall rent-a-cops, and apologies to mall renta-a-cops for the comparison to these useless airbreathers.

  15. They should also ask Mz.(cop hater)Moseby; the City’s States Attny. about the best way to charge the police with criminal behavior to cover her own ass when they enforce her orders and the shit hits the fan.


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