Orlando International Airport Soon to Open a $250K Muslim Prayer Room – IOTW Report

Orlando International Airport Soon to Open a $250K Muslim Prayer Room

muslim prayer room


So, Orlando International Airport will soon be opening a Muslim prayer room at a cost of $250,000.

Yeah, that’s sure to make a Judeo-Christian nation feel more comfortable after seeing all the Islamic related tragedies that have taken place on our soil the past 15 years.

This is merely a political correctness stunt.

The decision came about after Emirates airlines announced they’d be flying from the airport.

I guess if British Airlines signs a contract with OIA we’ll all be served tea and crumpets.


26 Comments on Orlando International Airport Soon to Open a $250K Muslim Prayer Room

  1. Bit by bit, a little here, a little there. It’s amazing how 2 % of the population can manipulate the rest of us.

    Just like the homos with about the same percentage.

    At some point these wildly at odds with each other ideologies are gonna have to have a rubber meets the road moment

  2. It’s called White Genocide in motion. I posted a video here yesterday. Mexicans, Muslims and Blacks with the help of the useful tools known as White Liberals slowly take over and make Whites a minority. If Whites don’t start fighting back NOW it will be too late for future generations of Whites.

  3. I presume that the room will be open to the “public” at large.
    A suggestion. . . . an Arby’s style sloppy bacon cheeseburger eaten and dripped in the room. Ditto for liquefied bacon grease/fat in a 3 oz squeeze bottle. . . . ‘Nuff said.
    Repeat as necessary ad infinitum.

  4. How do those “separate Church from State” histrionics work on this arrangement ?!
    Should’t they be keeping their lil’ “prayer rooms” (wink, wink) to themselves?
    It is certain that they will be exempted from rayciss security screening when they are “just going to the prayer room, not to the planes”.

  5. Any U.S. gov’t entity or person who advocates and pays for islam’s (radical or not) toehold and expansion in the U.S. must be called-out! This is just plain wrong!!

  6. It takes a progressive village to reserve a “prayer” room so that jihadists can assemble various items of mass destruction on site. How convenient. -sarc

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