Orlando terrorist Worked For Company Transporting Illegals Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times – IOTW Report

Orlando terrorist Worked For Company Transporting Illegals Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times

ZeroHedge: In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen – who as we reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license – was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to be the world’s largest security company by revenue.

Shortly thereafter, G4S confirmed that Omar Mateen has worked for the company since 2007. This is the statement released from G4S:

“We are shocked and saddened by the tragic event that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since September 10, 2007. We are cooperating fully with all law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, as they conduct their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends, families and people affected by this unspeakable tragedy.”

In other words, Mateen who according to preliminary reports, had been on a terrorist watchlist, and who still managed to obtain weapons thanks to his various licenses and permits just last week, was employed by one of the world’s largest security companies, where he may have had extensive clearances well above his pay grade, not to mention access to sophisticated military weapons and equipment.  MORE

6 Comments on Orlando terrorist Worked For Company Transporting Illegals Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times

  1. OT just so her friends here know, Pamela Geller has been banned from Facebook for 30 days for calling out BO on his failure to name it islamic terrorism.

  2. I think there’s something fishy about the 2 FBI investigations. Were they told to stand down when Muslims are involved? His co-workers in a security firm with DHS contract complained about his terrorist statements but they couldn’t substantiate? How could they have missed the father’s support of the Taliban?

    The second FBI investigation was because he MET WITH an ISIS terrorist who went on to suicide bomb. Not a tweet. Not Facebook post but an in person meeting. He had a security clearance to do DHS work. How could the FBI let that slide?

    There’s more to this story and Obama and ValJar are behind it.

  3. The people that he was around and knew he was going to go off should go public with their stories.
    BTW, good thing it was a GUN FREE ZONE, that didn’t work out like they said.
    More and bigger signs maybe.

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