O’Rourke gets $50 parking ticket for parking illegally outside courthouse – IOTW Report

O’Rourke gets $50 parking ticket for parking illegally outside courthouse

DC: Former Democratic Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke has had his first brush with the law on the 2020 campaign trail, according to reports.

CNN’s Eric Bradner shared a photo of a gray van, which he said was parked illegally by the candidate himself and was then moved by a staffer.

“Beto O’Rourke’s gray van just got a $50 parking ticket,” Bradner tweeted. “O’Rourke, who was driving, left it in a no parking area outside the Manchester Courthouse while he went across the street at Consuelo’s Taqueria. An advance staffer quickly moved the van.”

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21 Comments on O’Rourke gets $50 parking ticket for parking illegally outside courthouse

  1. Those pesky parking zones are for the common people and clearly the summons was issued by mistake. The attendant that issued the ticket will be looking for gainful employment before the days end.

  2. Rules are for thee but not for me. White, elitist,dirt eatin,’ shit eatin,’ skate boardin,’ head bobbin,’ hand wavin,’ stupid prick.

    Racer X. We’re on the same page.LOL

  3. He thought that sign did not mean him! You see Beto, legal signs like that mean EVERYONE including YOU! You seem to think that it’s only for me but not for thee. Well it’s quite the opposite. Start bending over Beto cuz it’s gunna hurt! You won’t miss the $50, it would have paid for a nice taco dinner or a small bribe to one of your toadies.

  4. The guy has no couth. He jumps up on tables, bars, desks putting his filthy dog turd laden shoes on the surfaces. I often think about Trump touching his hands on the desk after Obummer had his filthy shoes on it. Nasty ass, no manners. /rant


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